Live Export

New ad offensive pushes for end to live exports

Beef Central 08/08/2011

An image from the new Animals Australia and RSPCA advertisements.Animal rights groups Animals Australia and the RSPCA will launch a new anti-live export advertising offensive nationally today urging an end to the live export trade.

The advertisements take a new strategy, replacing the previous use of confrontational images of animals being subjected to cruelty with personal appeals instead from veterinarians, meat processing employees and everyday Australians calling for an end to the trade.

The speakers in the commercial call on the prime minister to end live exports to protect  Australian animals and to keep jobs in Australia.

The television and print media campaign also promotes a series of national rallies to be held in protest of the trade on Sunday, August 14.

The Animals Australia website says the advertising campaign and rallies are timed to coincide with a parliamentary vote on Federal legislation to end live exports on August 18.

The advertisments are partially funded by online political activist group GetUp!

To view the campaign click here


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