Draft options for improving the Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock (ASEL) are now available for stakeholder feedback.
The independent Technical Advisory Committee undertaking the ASEL review has released a draft report with recommended changes to the standards. It has also released a revised version of the standards.
In developing its recommendations, the committee has drawn extensively on submissions received in earlier public consultation processes. It has also considered outcomes from the review of conditions for the export of sheep to the Middle East during the northern hemisphere summer by Dr Michael McCarthy.
The review of the ASEL is examining livestock exports by sea, including requirements for how animals are sourced, prepared and exported.
The draft report and revised draft standards are open for feedback until 27 November. Exporters of livestock, animal welfare groups, industry producer bodies and interested members of the public are encouraged to submit their views through the ‘Have Your Say’ website.
Stakeholders are also encouraged to contact their representative body on the ASEL Review Stakeholder Reference Group, to contribute to their broader submissions.
The Technical Advisory Committee will consider feedback as part of finalising its report for the department. It expects to complete the review by the end of the year.
The review of ASEL is a key part of the department’s comprehensive approach to improve the sustainability of the live export trade through better animal welfare outcomes.
More information is available at haveyoursay.agriculture.gov.au/review-asel and agriculture.gov.au/animal/welfare/export-trade/review-asel.