Live Export

ALEC welcomes Japan market resumption

Beef Central 30/08/2016

Edwards Livestock F1 Wagyu Cattle DSC_0659

THE Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council (ALEC) has welcomed confirmation that Australia’s $14 million live cattle trade with Japan has reopened.

Live cattle exports from Australia to Japan were suspended in May after breeder cattle tested positive for bovine Johne’s disease (BJD) upon arrival in Japan.

Since the suspension, ALEC said it had worked in collaboration with LiveCorp, Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) and the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) to reopen the market and underpin the integrity of the biosecurity systems which regulate the trade.

That the resumption of exports of both feeder/slaughter and breeding cattle has been achieved so expeditiously is clearly a direct result of the close relationship between Australia and Japan, at both government and industry levels.

In particular, ALEC acknowledged the work of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, Barnaby Joyce, DAWR and LiveCorp in securing outcome.

As noted by Minister Joyce, the enviable health status of Australian livestock, our modern biosecurity systems and the professionalism of Australia’s livestock export industry, has helped to ensure the disruption in the trade with Japan was resolved in a timely manner.

The updated agreement with Japan, with improved export certification processes for all cattle consignments, means that all stakeholders in this important market including Australian producers, exporters and our customers in Japan, can now recommence business in the supply chain with confidence.

Source: Australian Livestock Exporter’s Council


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