
Weekly genetics review: Breed society registrations trend lower in 2017

Genetics editor Alex McDonald 21/08/2018

THE total number of animal registrations within beef breeds in 2017 was down by 5.1 percent on the record registrations the year before, according to statistics released at the recent Australian Registered Cattle Breeders Association annual general meeting in Brisbane.

However the total of 140,898 primary registrations from 35 beef breeds in 2017 was close to the average number of registered animals over the last 10 years, according to ARCBA executive officer, Steven Skinner.

“The 148,006 registrations in 2016 was a 9.1 percent increase on the previous year and easily the highest for the last ten years,” Mr Skinner said.

The Wagyu breed has continued its surge in market influence, as reflected in the recent release of the 2017 breed registration statistics.

Angus Australia registrations declined significantly in 2017 reflecting the challenge from Wagyu breed. Breed society registrations fairly closely reflect the demand for bulls and the commercial demand for individual breed traits.

While Angus have enjoyed a stellar climb over the last 15 years they are now being challenged by a breed which claims superior eating quality and certainly has a strong international recognition.

The Brahman breed continues to lead the Tropical breeds and Charolais lead the European breeds, but with a lesser margin.

Primary registrations by breed type


The 75,210 British breed registrations in 2017 were down by 10.9pc on the previous record high of 84,492 for 14 British breeds represented.

The two largest breeds, Angus and Hereford, were down by 9.1 and 12.3pc respectively in 2017 compared to 2016.

With 40,999 registrations in 2017, the Angus breed continued to dominate the British breed registrations with a 54.5pc market share, followed by Herefords with 19,762 registrations, giving it a 26.3pc market share within the British breeds.

Shorthorns with 5,614 registrations in 2017 were down on their 5862 registrations in 2016 and Murray Greys also continued to decline with 4213 registrations in 2017 compared to 5,006 registrations the previous year.

The 32,902 Tropical breed primary registrations in 2017 were up by 3.3pc on the 31,843 registrations in 2016.

Leading the way was the Brahman breed with 12,152 primary registrations in 2017, up from 10,945 the year before. Droughtmaster registrations of 8708 in 2017 were also up 14pc on their 7663 registrations the previous year, as were Santa Gertrudis registrations up another 145 in 2017 to 5591 animals. The 3616 Brangus registrations in 2017 were slightly down on the previous year.

The 20,030 European breed registrations in 2017 were slightly down on the 20,945 registrations the previous year, with mixed fortunes within the breeds represented.

The largest European breed, Charolais, saw registrations of 7639 animals in 2017 down 8pc on the 8275 animals registered in 2016, while Limousin registrations of 6170 were up 10pc on the previous year. Simmentals in 2017 were slightly down on the 4432 registrations in 2016, to 4353 head.

“Other breed” registrations largely comprised of Wagyu and Speckled Park, with 12,756 registrations in 2017 up by 18.9 percent on the 10,726 registrations in 2016.

Leading the way was the ever growing Wagyu breed with 11,786 registrations in 2017 compared to 9460 registrations in 2016. Speckle Park numbers of 961 in 2017 were down on the 1053 registrations the previous year.

Top 10 breeds by primary and secondary registrations in 2017


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  1. Christopher MUKASA, 18/04/2019

    Hello there,
    Please I humbly request you to send me some of your guidelines or manuals used to do the breed registration.

    Thank you

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