
New BreedPlan software license signals system overhaul

Beef Central 26/06/2018

A NEW software license agreement for BreedPlan, the genetic evaluation system for beef cattle, was finalised recently to ensure greater accessibility for seedstock producers and improve transparency and accountability in the system.

BreedPlan analytical software is used to produce Estimated Breeding Values of recorded cattle for a range of important production traits, and is owned by Meat & Livestock Australia, the University of New England and NSW Department of Primary Industries.

Research and development of the analytical software is undertaken by the Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit funded by MLA, while the Agricultural Business Research Institute is the BreedPlan licensee.

MLA’s general manager for producer consultation & adoption, Michael Crowley

MLA’s general manager for producer consultation & adoption, Michael Crowley, said following a commercialisation review of BreedPlan, a number of significant changes have been made to the BreedPlan software license agreement as part of a reinvigoration strategy for BreedPlan.

“BreedPlan has been available to the Australian beef cattle industry for over 30 years and has made a significant contribution to genetic improvement across the Australian beef cattle industry,” Mr Crowley said.

“However, there are a number of opportunities to improve BreedPlan commercialisation that have been identified through extensive stakeholder consultation that will deliver greater program innovation, improve future delivery of services, drive greater adoption of BreedPlan and enhance the value proposition of genetics to increase the rates of genetic gain.

“The previous BreedPlan license was in place for many years and in line with the commercialisation review recommendations, the license has now been reviewed as part of the broader BreedPlan reinvigoration strategy.

“The BreedPlan owners have been working to develop a new license agreement for the BreedPlan analytical software and have agreed that in order to maintain a single source of truth for breeding values, a single licensee is required.

“ABRI has been selected as the licensee for the BreedPlan analytical software; however, it is a non-exclusive, performance-based license ensuring a high quality and uninterrupted service for the industry.

“It is based on ABRI meeting a range of KPIs and is aimed at making BreedPlan more accessible to all breeders or groups of breeders. It also opens up opportunities for new commercial breeding value delivery models to evolve over time.”

Mr Crowley said the changes to the BreedPlan license were the first step in reinvigorating BreedPlan, as outlined in a commercialisation review conducted by Russell Barnett from Australian Venture Consultants and outlined in the report, Development of a New/Revised Commercialisation Strategy and Delivery Plan for BreedPlan.

“ABRI’s clients are typically beef cattle breed societies who effectively retail to their clients, the stud breeders,” Mr Crowley said.

“ABRI has commercial contracts in place with these clients that will be able to continue as well as creating the opportunity for future delivery models to evolve over time.

“The BreedPlan owners will continue to work in good faith with ABRI to ensure a successful transition to the new license. ABRI should be congratulated on the pragmatic and professional approach it has taken to driving positive change for the benefit of the industry.”

  • For more information about BreedPlan, contact ABRI (02) 6773 3555 or your breed society for evaluations.




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