Genetics as a tool to help tackle variable climate – including what new traits are being investigated and how producers are changing their breeding programs – is just one of the topics for discussion at MLA’s 2020 Livestock Genetics Forum being held in Adelaide next month. Meat & Livestock Australia will host its 2020 Livestock Genetics Forum in Adelaide next month.
The forum, being held at the Adelaide Convention Centre, North Terrace, will take place on 25-26 March.
Attendees will hear latest updates and information on how genetic advancements are transforming the red meat industry, and the potential to drive productivity, sustainability and profitability of herds or flocks.
The program will open with a session focussing on the strategic direction and progress of MLA’s genetics program to 2030, followed by a session on genetics R&D and how the genetics adoption plan is tracking, chaired by Luke Stephen, technical specialist for genetics, NSW DPI.
Concurrent sessions will follow, including sessions on:
- Genetics as a tool to help tackle variable climate – including what new traits are being investigated, and how producers are changing their breeding programs. A panel session chaired by Sam Clark will follow discussing the big issues the industry will need to adapt to
- Breeding with carcase feedback – With objective carcase measurement and Value-Based marketing on the horizon, supply chains are sharing what the future will look like for their businesses. What do breeders need to do to be prepared?
The second day will focus on the link between genetics and commercial profitability, including presentations from stud and commercial cattle producers, focused on implementation of key tools in breeding programs, and some of the science behind those tools that will accelerate rates of genetic gain.
The forum is free to attend. Click here to register.