Phosphorous supplementation for improved productivity and profitability of beef businesses
Join us for a webinar on Aug 30, 2018 at 12:30 PM AEST.
This is the fourth webinar in the ‘Improving beef business performance across northern Australia’ series.
In this webinar, join Tim Schatz (Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry and Resources) and Simon Quigley (University of Queensland) when they discuss the research findings of two phosphorous projects in more detail and how phosphorous supplementation can improve productivity and profitability of beef businesses.
The topic to be discussed are:
Tim Schatz will be “Quantifying the benefit of Phosphorus supplementation – Kidman Springs research results”. Research at Kidman Springs Research Facility (Northern Territory) is providing new information on the benefits of Phosphorus (P) supplementation of females on P deficient country in Northern Australia. It is showing that there is large return on investment from:
• increased pregnancy rates,
• lower mortality rates,
• higher weaning weights, and
• more kilograms of calves weaned per female.
Simon Quigley will be discussing the “Growth of steers in response to phosphorus in the diet”. Results of recent research at The University of Queensland on the response of growing steers to increasing amounts of phosphorus in the diet. The research demonstrates the increased growth of steers when P supplements are included in the diet and the effect of diet P content on feed intake of growing steers.
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Brahman weaners being shifted on Abingdon Downs in Queensland’s phosphorus deficient gulf country
thankyou we are in the burnett region. began feeding phos