World Angus Forum shows just how far beef industry has come in 28 years

It’s been 28 years since the global Angus cattle community last visited Australia for a World Angus Forum, and a quick glance back at the speaking program topics from the last event in 1997 provides a priceless snapshot of just how far the seedstock and commercial beef sectors have come since then…Read More

Jon Condon, 06/02/2025

CattleCon 2025: NT, US producers tighten ties in Texas + PICS

NT Cattlemen’s Association CEO Will Evans provides a first-hand update from the United States’ largest cattle industry event, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s annual CattleCon conference, currently underway with more than 8000 attendees in San Antonio, Texas. His first observation? The forces that oppose the cattle industry, whether they be environmental activism, animal rights extremists, the EU, lab grown meat companies or international investment trends that increasingly threaten ag land with renewables or other green initiatives, are global and interlinked…Read More

Will Evans, NTCA CEO , 06/02/2025

Opinion: Phil Holmes on productivity – the importance of measuring land, labour and livestock

In his second article in this submitted series , veteran economist and agribusiness advisor Phil Holmes looks at the importance of productivity, how it is measured, and its impacts on any Australian beef business. His previous item in this series published in December aroused considerable reader comment. ..Read More

Beef Central, 06/02/2025

3G shutdown a safety and productivity issue, NFF tells Senate

The NFF has laid out the impacts of the 3G shutdown to Senate committee, saying it is a safety and productivity issue…Read More

Beef Central, 06/02/2025

Latest shipboard stockpersons course attracts international interest

Participants in the latest course for livestock export shipboard stockpersons include a feedlot worker from Vietnam, a veterinarian from New Zealand, people already working as ‘stockies’ and experienced Australian cattle station and feedlot staff…Read More

Beef Central, 06/02/2025

Dalby sale 5 Feb 2025: General dearer market for 5003 head

The regular feed and trade buyers plus restockers were also present and active in the market…Read More

Beef Central, 06/02/2025

Weekly property review: What lies ahead for the market in 2025?

In this week’s property review, industry specialists give their take on what lies ahead for the market in 2025. As usual, a range of influences have been put forward as important direct and indirect drivers of the property market this year, ranging from the impact of tariff wars spawned by US president Donald Trump, a low Aussie dollar making local grazing assets more attractive to offshore investors, and continued, if not growing interest in carbon markets.  ..Read More

Property editor Linda Rowley, 05/02/2025

Early start to property listings provides advantages, vendors and agents find

Being seen unusually early this year, there’s been an obvious lift in grazing and mixed farming property marketing activity on Beef Central through January. In this week’s property review, industry stakeholders share their thoughts on the pros and cons of marketing an asset over the traditionally quiet Christmas/New Year period…Read More

Property editor Linda Rowley, 05/02/2025

January beef exports show normal seasonal decline

After a record trading year by volume in 2024, Australian beef exports have started the year at a relatively modest pace – but much of that can be attributed to the normal Christmas/New Year seasonal close-down that many larger export processors schedule each summer…Read More

Jon Condon, 05/02/2025

No substance behind rumour that JBS may purchase Darwin’s mothballed Livingstone Beef plant

THERE’S nothing behind a rumour circulating in the beef industry this week that JBS may be poised to buy or lease the mothballed Livingstone Beef processing plant south of Darwin…Read More

Jon Condon, 05/02/2025

JBS to pay US$83.5m in class action with US producers

International meat processor JBS has reportedly agreed to pay a group United States cattle producers US$83.5m to settle a class action brought against the country’s biggest processors…Read More

Beef Central, 05/02/2025

Pastoralists and Graziers Association of WA boosted by donations

Western Australia’s Pastoralists and Graziers Association has received a funding boost from its elected executives as administrators continue to investigate serious financial misconduct in the organisation…Read More

Terry Sim, 05/02/2025

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