
More RM Williams land assets offloaded by receivers

Beef Central 22/10/2013


Another large parcel of grazing/irrigation country owned by the failed RM Williams Agricultural Holdings is being put to market by receivers.

The 43,000ha Mirage Plains property aggregation on the NSW/Queensland border near Cunnamulla has been listed for a receiver’s sale by tender, after failing to sell a year ago.

Mirage Plains comprises six individual freehold properties, developed primarily as an irrigation and grazing operation.

CBRE’s Geoff Warriner and Phil Schell are marketing the assets under instruction from receivers and managers Greg Quinn and Stephen Parbery.

The aggregation is being offered by tender, closing November 6 – either as an aggregation or six separate parcels together with water entitlements.

Mr Schell said Mirage Plains was supported by a number of structural improvements and nominal Warrego River entitlements of 13,560 megalitres.

“The property’s establishment as a large-scale agricultural operation and scope for expansion will be key selling factors,” Mr Warriner said.

The properties carry ACO and USDA Organic certification for cropping and grazing.

About 480ha has been developed to pivot irrigation, with a further 4000 hectares of arable land and the balance currently used for grazing. Grazing country is divided into approximately 22 paddocks serviced by eight bores.




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