
Beyond Meat accused protein misinformation in US class action

Eric Barker 07/06/2022

Beyond meat mince and sausages are displayed along with the real beef in this New York supermarket.

PLANT-based protein manufacturer Beyond Meat is facing a class action in the United States which alleges it made incorrect claims about its protein content.

Multiple media outlets are reporting that a group of consumers in Illinois filed class action to the state’s Federal Court, claiming the company had misled its consumers about the protein and nutritional content of its products.

The suit also alleges the company misleads consumers into believing its products provides equivalent nutritional benefits to traditional meat.

According to blog the lawsuit is based on the method used to calculate its protein content.

“The lawsuit states that the nitrogen content method is typically used to calculate a given food’s protein content,” the website wrote.

“Federal law, however, requires the disclosure of not only protein content but protein quality, the case states. Protein quality is established via a more rigorous testing methodology called the Protein Digestibility Amino Acid Corrected Score (PDCAAS), which provides the “corrected” amount of protein per serving and takes into account factors such as a human’s ability to digest the protein.”

On top of the class action, one of the company’s main competitors Don Lee Farms, which produces meat and plant-based protein, has filed a lawsuit against the company for its protein claims – alleging it overestimates protein content by 30 percent.

The California-based company was reportedly the previous supplier of Beyond Meat’s Beyond Burger, before its contract was cancelled in 2017 – with Don Lee suing.

The past year has been a tough one for Beyond Meat, with its stocks plummeting in value and becoming shorted companies on the US Stock Market.

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  1. Paul+D.+Butler, 08/06/2022

    Lab slimers have known all along that the only way to sell the swill they produces is with lies and deception.

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