
Funding for small exporter program extended

Beef Central 17/12/2019

An assistance program for small exporters, which can help farmers and small agribusinesses to tap into overseas markets, has been extended for another four years.

Minister for Agriculture, Senator Bridget McKenzie, said the extension of the Package Assisting Small Exporters (PASE) grants program will help smooth the way into dynamic overseas markets.

“Boosting exports will be crucial if we are to reach our target to grow agriculture to a $100 billion sector by 2030. To do that we need to give a hand to agribusinesses, especially those finding it difficult to navigate the export system,” Minister McKenzie said.

“These grants were established by our Government in 2015 to help farmers and small export businesses across agriculture, in the dairy, fish, eggs, grain, plant, horticulture, meat and animal product industries.

“PASE grants totalling $10.45 million have so far funded 58 projects across a number of industries, with a focus on overcoming barriers to access overseas markets, helping businesses grow and employ more people.

“The package has, for example, allowed the creation of an online portal—Farmgate Exchange— by Primal Foods Group as a single point of contact for grain trade between smaller Australian growers and international buyers.

“The portal helps growers to market grain from their own silos directly to buyers around the world, delivering better access and prices.

“PASE grants have helped Dairy Australia teach Australian dairy businesses what is involved in becoming a small exporter, helping increase the chance of success on their first export efforts.

“Tasmania-based Woodbridge Smokehouse through a PASE grant attended trade show events in China, making contact with seafood importers in Hong Kong to discuss demand for their premium smoked Ocean Trout and Atlantic Salmon, as well as sharing insights with the broader Australian seafood industry.”

Applications for PASE grants open today (17 December 2019) and close on 28 February 2020.

Information including the guidelines, selection criteria and application details are available on GrantConnect and the Community Grants Hub.

Source: Minister for Agriculture. More information on the package and previous projects funded are available on


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