THE lotfeeding industry, much like many other sectors in agriculture, is grappling with numerous challenges this year.
The industry is still reeling from the aftermath of the pandemic, with a disrupted supply chain causing ongoing delays and logistical hurdles that adversely affect profitability. Additionally, the cost of feedstuffs, especially grains, has surged significantly, leading to a rise in the cost of production.
Adding to the woes, cattle prices have recently plummeted, further compounding the difficulties for lotfeeders who made purchases during the peak period.
However pioneering technology can help feedlot operators overcome these challenges by boosting profitability and cutting down on costly resources, all while reducing carbon emissions within their operations.
MEQ LIVE is a cutting-edge technology that offers feedlot operators a powerful tool to accurately measure meat quality and yield in live animals. Utilising proprietary technology, MEQ LIVE delivers precise and reliable data on marbling and yield measurements in cattle, enabling operators to unlock maximum value with minimal environmental impact.
MEQ LIVE represents a significant step forward for the beef industry, as it enables data-driven decision-making that can help optimise management practices and increase resilience in a volatile market. By providing feedlot operators with vital information about which cattle will perform and bring profit, MEQ LIVE helps reduce losses and increase efficiency.
One of the most significant advantages of MEQ LIVE is its ability to cut down the number of days cattle are required to be on feed.
By accurately predicting when an animal will reach specification, feedlot operators can know precisely when to stop feeding, as opposed to relying on a standardised number of days that can waste valuable resources and time.
This not only reduces the amount of time cattle spend in feedlots but also allows feedlot operators to make better use of their resources and minimise their environmental impact.
In addition to its immediate benefits, MEQ LIVE also has the potential to future-proof the industry by enabling better selection of top performers for breeding programs. With vital measurements and information from MEQ LIVE, operators can identify the most efficient and profitable animals for breeding, driving better outcomes for the industry in the long term.
Leading Wagyu producer, Harmony Agriculture and Food Co, through its Dimboola Feedlot, has been project partners in the development of the device, which scans animals at various stages of the feed program to map marble development.
“For years, the holy grail of Wagyu production has been to objectively determine and predict the marbling score in live animals. It just hasn’t been possible until now,” Anthony Fellows, CEO of Harmony, said.
“With MEQ LIVE, however, there is real potential to revolutionise how we do business if we can understand when animals reach their maximum marble potential.
“With that key piece of information, we can make accurate decisions and determine the optimal processing window, balancing cost of gain against marble score value.”
See MEQ LIVE in action
To see the MEQ LIVE technology in action, the device will be on demonstration at the WagyuEdge’23 industry conference in Sydney from April 19-21.
MEQ team representatives will be on hand to explain to delegates how the device promotes sustainable feedlot practices by reducing dry matter intake and water consumption, and lowering overall emissions.