THE Southern Queensland property industry last night gathered in Toowoomba to discuss the road ahead for the rural property market.
Many in attendance who spoke to Beef Central were still confident about the property market after some record-breaking years.
However, there was plenty of talk about rising interest rates, falling livestock prices and some properties taking longer to sell.

Bhavin Patel, JLL, Angus Muggleton, Westchester with Chris Holgar and James Mitchell from JLL.

David Moffat from NAB and Geoff Warriner from JLL.

Joe Robinson and Jason Lipp from NAB.

Hugh Scott from JLL with Maddie Morgan from Hamilton Locke.

Roley Wilson, Westpac, Damon Venter and Emma Hayward, NAB, with Mal Porter from Rabobank.

Ann Somers from Somers and O’Sullivan with Doug Knight from JLL.
On behalf of JLL Agribusiness, I would like to thank our valued clients for their continued support. This was our fourth annual “A Drink on JLL” and was a roaring success with about 60 in attendance on the night. I think I speak for everyone that a great night was had by one and all.