
Webinar to look at remote monitoring of calving in northern Australia

Beef Central 12/06/2020

CALF loss in extensively-managed northern beef herds is a major problem confronting the productivity of business operations.

In an upcoming BeefConnect* webinar next Tuesday, Northern Territory DPI principal livestock research officer Tim Schatz will discusses the CalfWatch project, which is being conducted near Katherine, NT.

The focus of the CalfWatch project is to develop a system to remotely monitor calving under extensive conditions, and then use it to investigate the causes of calf loss which costs the northern beef industry an estimated $54 million annually.

During the presentation, Tim will discuss the findings and results of a 200 cow herd in a 2200ha paddock that formed part of the study. A question and answer session will follow.

The webinar takes place from 1pm AEST on Tuesday 16 June.

Click here to register to join in.  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar on the day.


* Beef Connect is a webinar collaboration between FutureBeef and Beef Central.



























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