Phosphorus deficient (highlighted in red) and marginal areas (yellow) across northern Australia
A PRODUCER webinar focusing on the benefits in phosphorous supplementation in northern Australia will be held on Monday.
Hosted by FutureBeef and Beef Central, the webinar will focus on the major impact that phosphorous (P) deficiency can have on animal health, fertility and performance, frequently resulting in lost profit on beef enterprises in Northern Australia.

Rob Dixon
During the presentation, Rob Dixon (University of Queensland – Rockhampton) and Tim Schatz (Principal Livestock Research Officer – NT DPI&R) will take an in-depth look at how producers can determine if phosphorous is an issue for their business, and what can be done about it.
Rob Dixon will discuss why cattle need P, identifying a P deficiency, and correcting the deficiency, while Tim Schatz will discuss what was learnt from the Kidman Springs P study, and future P research relating to the practical and economic feeding of the trace element.
The webinar will conclude with a question and answer session.
Date: Monday, May 25 12:30pm AEST.
Register: Click here to register to tune in to the webinar.
If you where to put Phosphorus out with the heifers back in November/December, then the bulls were put out in December-February, would a lack of P affect the percentage that went into calf?
Great question for the webinar, Josh. We suggest you register. Editor