PRODUCERS will now be able to easily access the latest news, information, resources and tools relating to pasture dieback in one place with the launch of a Pasture Dieback Hub on Meat & Livestock Australia’s (MLA) website.
Pasture dieback causes death of grass pastures across a range of sown and native species and it is not limited by landscape or soil type. It is prevalent across northern, central and south-east Queensland and was also confirmed on the north coast of New South Wales (NSW) in March this year.
MLA Group Manager – Productivity & Animal Wellbeing, Dr David Beatty, said the new hub provided an easily accessible one-stop-shop for the latest news and information relating to pasture dieback for producers.
“This is the latest in a series of online hubs being developed by MLA to ensure we’re providing producers with relevant content to save time searching for resources,” Mr Beatty said.
“We understand the ongoing interest and concern around pasture dieback for producers in Queensland and northern NSW – and providing easy access to the latest information and news is an important part of the ongoing response.
“Producers can access a range of resources, including tips for managing pasture dieback and links to recorded webinars through the hub.
“The hub also provides links and content that has been developed by our collaborative partners such as the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) and NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI).”
MLA recently announced further investment in solution-focused research and development (R&D) into pasture dieback through six new projects to address the destructive pasture condition.
The new projects focus on three key pasture dieback research areas – detection and monitoring; managed interventions and solutions; and stakeholder engagement.
“The red meat and livestock industry is working in close collaboration to respond to the on-farm challenges presented by pasture dieback,” Dr Beatty said.
“MLA, DAF and NSW DPI are working alongside red meat producers, research institutions, peak industry councils and state farming organisations to ensure ongoing investment in pasture dieback research is effective, well-coordinated and clearly communicated.”
While pasture dieback R&D is ongoing, producers in affected regions are being encouraged to undertake good farm hygiene and biosecurity practices around the movement of stock, equipment and materials.
Producers who are concerned they have pasture dieback on their property should contact the DAF customer call centre on 132 523, or in NSW, the Exotic Plant Pest hotline on 1800 084 881.
Source: MLA. Visit MLA’s Pasture Dieback Hub here.
Yes I have lots of pasture dieback on my hills south of MALANDA in tropic NQ mick