
NSW DPI releases drought guide in time for spring

Beef Central 24/08/2018

The NSW Department for Primary Industries (DPI) has launched its ‘Managing and Preparing for Drought Guide’, just in time for spring to give the State’s primary producers relevant information to help them make informed decisions.

The drought guide has been a widely used and popular reference for primary producers since it was first published more than 10 years ago. 

NSW Drought Coordinator, Pip Job said the current dry conditions are having wide reaching impacts and touching regional communities. 

Farmers right across NSW are facing one of the driest winters on record resulting in failing crops, drastic water shortages and a diminishing supply of fodder to sustain livestock,” Ms Job said. 

“With the forecast for spring predicting warmer and drier conditions, this edition of the ‘Managing and Preparing for Drought Guide’ reflects the diversity of pressures placed on NSW primary producers during this drought.

“Farmers and graziers have told me that previous editions were really useful and that an updated print would help them navigate current challenges.

“Importantly, it includes new information on relevant resources added by the NSW Government and DPI in recent years, including the online DroughtHub, the Feed Cost Calculator and the Combined Drought Indicator.

“The current conditions are extremely challenging and I am sure farmers will find the strategies and actions in the guide useful as they deal with the drought.”

This is the eighth edition of the NSW ‘Managing and Preparing for Drought Guide’. It includes information that primary producers can consider as they deal with drought, as well as practical tips on feeding livestock, farm management, sustainable practices and personal and financial wellbeing. 

Source: NSW DPI: The ‘Managing and Preparing for Drought Guide’ is available online at, from NSW DPI research institutes across the state, or at your nearest Local Land Service office.


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