
Reminder producer representatives sought for MLA Board Selection Committee

Beef Central 06/09/2017

Red meat producers are being reminded that candidates are being sought to fill three producer representative positions on the Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) Board Selection Committee.

The three candidates will be filled at this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held as part of Red Meat 2017 in November in Alice Springs.

The role of the Selection Committee is to call for applications, review, interview and then report to members on the suitability of candidates for election to the MLA Board.

The Committee is currently made up of two non-voting MLA Directors, three representatives nominated by producer peak councils and four producer members who have been directly elected by MLA members – one sheepmeat, one grainfed cattle and two grassfed cattle representatives.

At this year’s AGM, MLA members have the opportunity to directly elect three producer representatives to the MLA Board Selection Committee for a three-year term, from nominees from three producer categories:

  • one grassfed cattle representative
    one sheepmeat representative, and,
    one grainfed cattle representative.

All producer nominees are put forward to the AGM for a vote by the producer members in each class.

Members wishing to nominate a person, or wishing to nominate themselves for election by MLA producer members to the MLA Board Selection Committee at the 2017 AGM, must give written notice to MLA by 22 September, 2017.

For more information on the Selection Committee process and to access the nomination form, visit or email

Register for Red Meat 2017

Australian red meat producers and stakeholders interested in attending Red Meat 2017 on 21-22 November 2017 in Alice Springs are encouraged to register.

This red meat industry flagship event is open to all local and interstate producers and industry stakeholders, with the bumper program to showcase Australian beef, lamb and goatmeat and the very best of Central Australia.

The Red Meat 2017 program includes a producer tour, the latest innovation and marketing insights, a trade show and technology demonstrations, business breakfast, outstanding networking opportunities and the MLA Annual General Meeting.

Source: MLA. To register and read more about the program please visit the Red Meat 2017 event page


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