
Recruitment: Research identifies agribusiness as the ‘new place to be’

Jon Condon 06/08/2015

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FIGURES from Australia’s largest annual agribusiness-specific human resources survey, the Agribusiness HR Review, show that agribusiness positions have continued their recent strong demand across the employment sector.

Data from Rimfire Resources’ Agribusiness Salary Review which collates salary data from agribusinesses nationally on a monthly basis, backs up the findings from the annual HR Review, reporting an average base salary increase, across all roles, of 4 percent in the 12 months to June 30. The salary review is based on more than 170 positions benchmarked across 16 industry sectors.

According to the results, 84pc of organisations participating in the HR Review reported an increase in salaries for the year, with 92.5pc predicting further increases within the next 12 months.

Yearly salary increases are now above CPI and significantly higher compared to the previous year, with salary increases trending upwards and the demand for skilled workers remaining strong.

Now in its 13th year, Rimfire Resources’ Agribusiness HR Review surveys human resources professionals and general managers in agribusiness, to evaluate remuneration and employment trends among staff.

Managing director Mick Hay points out that there is often a lot of speculation within industry and employees, and also plenty of experts prepared to offer anecdotal evidence on what is happening within the agribusiness sector, from a remuneration and benefits perspective.

“ But if you want to know what is actually happening, and with thirteen years of data to provide trends and detailed analysis, then the HR Review is the only survey worth reading – because it’s the only survey that uses ‘real’ data directly from the industry,” Mr Hay said.

“Remuneration is just one consideration when retaining and recruiting staff, and there is no excuse for not knowing the market, as the actual market data is available to keep stakeholders aware of what is happening, specifically within their sector.”

Mr Hay said that in the past two years, annual agribusiness salaries had increased at close to double the rate of CPI.

“The 2015 results demonstrate that salary increases have continued to outpace CPI, and the sector continues to grow, which is great news for all current and prospective agribusiness professionals, and particularly for graduates entering the sector,” he said.

Further analysis revealed that almost 67pc of organisations had attrition rates of less than 10pc and just over 40pc of organisations expected to enlarge their workforce within the next 12 months.

Succession planning is the predominant factor driving the employment of graduates,” Mr Hay said.

“With institutions like Melbourne University seeing increases of more than 60pc in their Agriculture degree enrolments this year, and with many other universities also experiencing increased enrolments in agricultural related studies, students are voting with their feet and showing their confidence in the future of the industry,” he said.

Mr Hay said the latest results were in stark contrast to a shrinking mining industry, typically looked upon as the ‘mecca’ for many job seekers.

“The survey also indicated that 18pc of participants have hired employees with previous agribusiness experience, who are now returning to agribusiness from the resources sector. That is an exciting trend to see.”


About the Agribusiness HR Review:

Rimfire Resources’ Agribusiness HR Review provides companies operating across the agribusiness sector with specific trends to assist them in developing and implementing competitive remuneration and HR policies. The Review complements the company’s well-known Agribusiness Salary Review, which collates salary data (from payroll data) from agribusinesses nationally, on an ongoing basis.

HR Review topics covered include agribusiness sector-specific benefits packaging information, salary reviews, human resource management practices, performance management schemes and recruitment practices.


Click here to view the full Review document.




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