The National Wild Dog Action Plan’s new website has an updated tool designed to help landholders to confirm if they have wild dogs on their property.
According to ABARES latest national survey on wild dog impacts, 66 percent of landholders have reported wild dog problems on their property in the past 12 months with 34 percent of them describing their problem as severe.
A new diagnostic tool on the NWDAP website provides a brief check box questionnaire that can be answered to help to advise whether a property does not, probably does or definitely does have wild dogs.
To try it out click here and then on ‘diagnostic tool’.
Producers who do have wild dogs or want to learn more about them can also use the same resourcse to learn about their State’s regulatory requirements, how to create a management plan, the choice of tools and strategies available, case studies and links to resources such as the Glovebox Guide to Managing Wild Dogs.
The National Wild Dog Action Plan’s new website can be visited at this link.
Wild dog activity and impact has increased drastically in the Mansfield district over last year.
Urgently need strategic aerial baiting adjacent to freehold interface.
WDCs overwhelmed on response. Need more investment in prevention