
MLA members’ final opportunity to secure full voting entitlements

Beef Central 19/09/2019

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) members are being reminded to return their Levies Notice online by 23 September 2019 to ensure they secure their full voting entitlements ahead of MLA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in November.

MLA members across the country received their Levies Notice in July, which offers them an opportunity to secure their full voting entitlements based on the levies they paid in 2018-19.

This year, the MLA AGM will be held on 20 November 2019 in Tamworth as part of the Red Meat 2019 event program.

MLA members must complete and return their personalised Levy Notice by 23 September 2019. Members are strongly encouraged to return their Notice online via

The Levies Notice is the first of two packs that MLA members will receive over the coming months. In October, members will also receive their ‘AGM pack’ which contains their voting entitlement, the notice of MLA’s 2019 AGM and a proxy form for use by those who cannot attend the meeting in person.

For more information on the AGM and MLA member voting entitlements, click here.

MLA membership

Levy-paying producers of cattle, sheep, lambs and/or goats who are not currently an MLA member are encouraged to sign up for free membership. Paying levies does not automatically make producers a member, they have to sign up via MLA’s website.

To become an MLA member, please visit:

Source: MLA. For more information on the full Red Meat 2019 program and to register, please visit 


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