
Marketing, food science skills sought for two MLA board director positions

Beef Central 10/05/2021

Meat & Livestock Australia is looking for stakeholders with skills in strategic marketing/market development, and food science/nutrition to fill two non-executive director positions on its board at this year’s annual general meeting.

Applications for the current round close on Friday, 28 May.

MLA’s board is skills based and currently comprises nine directors including eight non-executive directors and managing director, Jason Strong. Directors are nominated through the Selection Committee and appointed by members at MLA AGMs for a three-year term, with retiring directors able to nominate for re-election.

Joining the board three years ago were Nutrition scientist Professor Manny Noakes, from CSIRO, and Marketing and consumer insights expert Jo Pye.

The MLA board provides strategic guidance and effective oversight of the management and performance of MLA in delivering its strategy. It operates under mature corporate governance and risk management frameworks to ensure producer levies, government matching dollars and partner funds are invested effectively and in the right areas.

As a skills-based board and in line with specific requirements, candidates with extensive commercial skills and experience in one of the following areas are encouraged to apply:

  • Food science, technology and nutrition with a proven record in research, development and adoption
  • Strategic marketing and market development with proven impact at a domestic and international level

Candidates must have a genuine interest in, and a broad understanding of the Australian Red Meat and Livestock industry, strong business acumen supported by demonstrable strategic aptitude, financial literacy, a sound understanding of good governance and well-developed communication skills. Key industry issues include animal welfare, sustainability, community and consumer perceptions, market access, commercialising R&D and accelerating adoption.

The expected time commitment is a minimum of 50 days per year to include scheduled board meetings, additional committee responsibilities, video-conferences and travel etc.

MLA is committed to providing an environment which respects and promotes equality and diversity to better reflect their sector and the industry’s key markets.

Applicants are subject to a thorough selection process, where the selection committee, assisted by an external recruitment consultant, considers nominations, conducts interviews and then endorses candidates for election to the MLA Board by MLA members at the Annual General Meeting each year.

Candidates put forward for election by the members are selected by a nine-person Selection Committee which is made up of three industry representatives, four member-elected producer representatives and two non-voting members of the current MLA Board. The number of candidates endorsed by the Selection Committee must be equal to the number of vacancies to be filled.


  • MLA encourages all suitably qualified candidates to apply. For further information and an information pack outlining the application process, click here.
  • Interested stakeholders can email their application and CV to  quoting MLA in the subject box, or call (03) 9631 1500 for a confidential discussion.


Source: MLA




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  1. Brad Bellinger, 12/05/2021

    I will make a prediction that whoever is chosen by the selection committee will get on the MLA board.

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