The Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association of Australia (ALRTA) has applauded the Federal Government’s decision to freeze the heavy vehicle Road User Charge (RUC).
The decision means that the RUC will remain at 25.8 cents per litre instead of increasing by 2.5 per cent on 1 July 2020.

ALRTA president Stephen Marley
ALRTA National President Stephen Marley said the decision was welcome news for all Australian businesses and consumers.
“Over the past 12 months the Australian economy and community has been pummelled by crisis after crisis including drought, bushfires, floods and COVID-19,” he said.
“During these difficult times Australian Governments, businesses and consumers more keenly recognise the essential role of the road freight sector in delivering vital supplies including medicines, fuel, food, drinks, personal consumables, stock feed and water.
“Trucks not only help us through crises, they help us rebuild afterwards.
“The Federal Government decision to freeze the Road User Charge will keep road transport costs to a minimum over the next twelve months.
“This will in turn help support millions of Australian businesses and households during the COVID-19 recovery phase.
“An increased tax on trucks would have been an increased tax on everyone.”
Mr Marley said Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack and Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport, Scott Buchholz, had consulted regularly with the ALRTA had had taken a keen interest in the impact of heavy vehicle charging decisions in regional Australia.
“These two leaders have championed a sensible and pragmatic decision at a time when government revenue is also under threat,” he said.
“During the period 2014 – 2019 our industry was over charged more than $1b. If ever there was a time to rebuild trust by giving some of it back, now is that time. The Federal Government decision to freeze the Road User Charge should be a wake-up call to State Governments who are still considering a 2.5 percent increase in heavy vehicle registration charges to apply from 1 July 2020.”
“I call on all State Governments to similarly freeze heavy vehicle registration charges,” he said.