
Littleproud: Beef will help lead our nation’s recovery + VIDEO

Beef Central 21/05/2020

BEEF is Australia’s largest agricultural export and meat processing is the largest remaining manufacturing industry in Australia – so it comes as no surprise the Federal Government and Beef Australia today unveiled plans to further develop an already iconic event.

During its week-long digital launch for next May’s event, Beef Australia has featured messages from principal partners. Today Agriculture minister David Littleproud spoke on behalf of the Federal Government.

“Beef 2021 will be so important for our nation’s recovery, because agriculture is the cornerstone of our nation’s economy,” Minister Littleproud said.

“It’s important that one of our key industries, beef, showcases that to the word – that’s what Beef 2021 will do. Beef Australia provides a platform for Australia’s beef industry to get together, to celebrate and to grow. It’s the sort of event we need to be looking forward to now, more than ever,” he said.

Beef means business – inquiries for the event’s 500 trade fair sites have been queuing, long before applications open.

Click the link below to view a short video marking Beef 2021’s launch, including comments from agriculture minister Littleproud 

Beef Australia CEO Ian Mill said the event was renowned for the relationships created and developed over a steak.

“While planning for the physical event continues with confidence, the event will also have an online presence for those who cannot attend in person,” he said.

Beef Australia chair Bryce Camm shared the Government’s sentiments.

“Beef Australia 2021 will be special – our producers and the industry have courageously fought drought, fires, floods and these recent unprecedented challenges. In May 2021 we will be able to celebrate not only surviving, but thriving, thanks to the courage and innovative approach of many,” Mr Camm said.

Symposium theme

Beef Australia’s theme for the highly-acclaimed 2021 Symposium has been announced. ‘Leadership: Beef, A new horizon,’ will include a new look program, with the keynote speakers expected to be announced in coming months.

The event launch has also called for applicants for the third Graeme Acton Beef Connections mentoring program. Helping develop industry leaders of the future, the program supports nine pairs, with mentors and mentees developing a project which culminates and is showcased at Beef Australia in May 2021.

More information on all of these initiatives is available here. 


Source: Beef Australia


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  1. Will Robinson, 25/05/2020

    This is great news. Even greater news was when the Treasury just found that it had over budgeted on expenditure by around
    $60 Billion. If the Honourable Minister and his Government are true to their word – they could just take about $25 billion of this and push it though the banks for commercial agriculture. Not hand outs – just well planned, structured and scheduled loans to drive growth, productivity and profit in a regenerative manner to restore soil carbon. The science and the economics is over 40 years old. If the Coalition wants a Real Stimulus Package – “just give agriculture a Fair Go – your time is now.” Agriculture survived the droughts, the floods and the fires – so it is long overdue for recognition, Honourable Minister. The petty cash from the Corona Stimulus package into agriculture could end up with the tail wagging the dog and Josh just might end up with another extra $60 billion to play with! That will get Albo going.

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