
Katherine kick-starts regional consultation ‘roadshow’ for meat and livestock industry’s future

Beef Central 17/09/2014

THE Northern Territory will today play host to the first of twelve regional supply chain workshops to help develop the next Meat Industry Strategic Plan (MISP).

The workshops, which are being held for the first time across regional Australia, are an opportunity for producers, processors and live exporters of red meat and livestock to directly have their say in shaping the future focus of the industry.


RMAC chairman Ross Keane

The MISP – development of which is overseen by the Red Meat Advisory Council – frames the overarching priorities of the production, processing and live export sectors of Australia’s beef, sheepmeat and goat-meat industries.

Now entering its fourth iteration (MISP4), the plan gives direction to nearly $1 billion in collective industry investment, from various levy streams, over the period 2015-2020.

RMAC chairman, Ross Keane, stressed the importance of this one-in-five year opportunity.

“The red meat and livestock industry turns over more than $16 billion in value every year, while being one of the country’s largest custodians of environmental resources, livestock and rural and regional employment,” he said.

“At a time when the industry is facing unprecedented challenges on several fronts – from financial pressure, to internal and community scrutiny, right through to the inevitable volatility of season and climate – we need clear direction, engagement and a focus on performance and accountability.”

“That is what MISP4 is setting out to achieve,” Mr Keane said.

“If the industry wants it, MISP4 can be a mechanism for constructive change and significant performance.  And the very people who stand to benefit the most from its success now have a direct line of input to its development,” he said.


Published below (click on image to access in larger format) is the schedule of regional workshops across five Australian states and territories, starting with Katherine today and concluding in Launceston towards the end of next month. Beef and sheepmeat supply chain stakeholders are invited to attend.






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