
ICMJ webinar series tackles measurement of meat yield

Beef Central 08/06/2020


THE next in a series of webinars hosted by the Intercollegiate Meat Judging Association (ICMJ) being held this Wednesday, is set to tackle the challenges of adopting DEXA into the lamb supply chain, and what’s next in new technologies to measure yield in beef and lamb carcases.

Leading meat science researcher, Associate Professor Graham Gardner of Murdoch University, and Gundagai Meat Processors chief executive, Will Barton, will present on the topic of ‘Measurement of carcase yield and integration into processing plants’.

The webinar will be held from Noon to 1pm (AEST) on Wednesday June 10. Dr Gardner will discuss the importance of accurate yield measurement, current yield measures in lamb, the DEXA journey,  and the opportunities the DEXA technology provides, while Mr Barton will speak on the commercial installation and rollout of DEXA at Gundagai Meat Processors and the benefits that it is delivering to customers.

The ICMJ Association is a not-for-profit organisation run by a 100pc volunteer committee, funded by Meat & Livestock Australia, the Australian Meat Processing Corporation and industry sponsors, with a mission to ‘Inspire and develop future professionals in the global red meat industry’. Now in its 30th year of existence, the Australian ICMJ has a long and successful reputation of attracting graduates to careers in the red meat industry.

As a result of coronavirus restrictions forcing the cancellation of its conferences and workshops, ICMJ has shifted to digital delivery to ensure students and young industry professionals can continue to access meat science training and networking opportunities.

Its first webinar attracted more than 220 participants, and featured presentations from Dr Peter McGilchrist from the University of New England, and Jasmine Green from Teys Australia, speaking on ‘New Technologies to Measure Eating Quality in Beef and Lamb’. The video recording of that webinar and all future webinars are available on the ICMJ website.

Webinar: Measurement of carcase yield and integration into processing plants


  • The importance of accurate yield measurement, current yield measures in lamb and the role of DEXA in creating new opportunities for meat processors – Dr Graham Gardner
  • The installation and rollout of DEXA in a commercial setting – Will Barton
  • What’s next in new technologies to measure yield in beef and lamb carcases – Dr Graham Gardner
  • Questions and Answers

When: Wednesday June 10 at 12pm to 1pm (AEST).

How to connect: Download Zoom and register your attendance here.






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