
Full judgement published in Vanrook Johne’s case

Beef Central 03/12/2014

The Supreme Court of Queensland has published the full decision handed down last Friday morning by the State’s Chief Justice Tim Carmody relating to the validity of a Johne’s disease quarantine notice imposed on Queensland Gulf stations Vanrook and Inkerman earlier this year.

Chief Justice Carmody found that the amended quarantine notice issued by a Biosecurity Queensland inspector was not supported by sufficiently clear or cogent evidence, and was “incurably defective” and invalid.

The published decision can be read in full here

Beef Central is also waiting for response to questions put to the office of Queensland agriculture Minsiter John McVeigh on Monday relating to amendments made by the Queensland Government to the State’s Stock Regulations 1988 late last week. 

The amendments which took affect on the day of Chief Justice Carmody’s decision extended the definition of Johne’s disease under Queensland stock regulations to include all strains of the disease, not just the cattle strain.

Further reports will follow on Beef Central when a response from the Minister’s office is received.





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