NSW Farmers has launched a Flood Appeal through its Natural Disaster Relief Fund (NDRF) to assist farmers with recovery efforts as a one-in -a-hundred year weather event continues to batter the east coast region.
NSW Farmers’ members reported unprecedented flood events over the weekend, particularly in the mid north coast region, and are expecting significant damage to crops, pastures, infrastructure and oyster leases and livestock losses.
NSW Farmers’ CEO Pete Arkle said heavy rainfall is also forecast for the North-West and Western NSW this week.
“The Bureau of Meteorology have contacted NSW Farmers warning of a forecast system moving through Central Australia and into NSW may cause localised flooding, particularly in where soil profiles are near full,” Mr Arkle said.
“The extent of flood damage won’t be known for some time but we want to make sure we’re doing everything we can to assist farmers to recover from the extensive damage.”
“Today we have launched our flood appeal through our natural disaster fund.”
“The Fund provides financial assistance, goods or services, to primary producers adversely affected by flooding to ensure that they can continue to operate their farms whilst they are dealing with or recovering from the Natural Disaster.”
For more information or to donate, please visit www.nswfarmers.org.au/donate.
Rain cuts Newcastle rail path, delays vessel loadings
Torrential rain has cut the Hunter Valley rail line which links the New South Wales grainbelt with the Port of Newcastle, and bad weather is delaying the loading of wheat for export at its two terminals.
The rail line closed on Thursday, and could reopen later this week provided repairs can be undertaken and safety of operations can be assured.
Pacific National hauls grain to Newcastle along the Hunter line. Its agricultural manager Hugh Cox said the line closure had stopped 16-20 trainloads of grain from getting to port.
Each train carries around 2800 tonnes at a time when Newcastle is loading big volumes of wheat while Port Kembla, NSW’s only other bulk port, concentrates on canola to shift the state’s first big export program since 2016-17.
To read more on Grain Central click here
Emergency livestock movements
The Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association says while many areas are already inaccessible, there may be circumstances in which emergency livestock movements are possible and required.
It noted that the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator is prioritising permit processing for all emergency livestock movements.
People needing to arrange urgent road access can contact NHVR Access Manager Rochelle Mottlee on 0437 644 453
To make transport operators aware of emergency circumstances in your area please contacts include:
LBRCA: Bec Coleman – 0432 336 718
LRTAQ: Laney O’Neil – 0447 349 214
ALRTA: Mat Munro – 0421 082 489
Emergency support activated
The Australian Government has activated the Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment (AGDRP) and Disaster Recovery Allowance (DRA) to support those heavily affected by the storms and flooding in New South Wales.
Support through the AGDRP and DRA is now available in the local government areas of Armidale, Bellingen, Central Coast, Cessnock City, Clarence Valley, Coffs Harbour, Dungog, Hawkesbury, Kempsey, Lake Macquarie, Maitland City, Mid-Coast, Nambucca Valley, Newcastle City, Port Macquarie-Hastings, Penrith, Port Stephens and Tenterfield.
More local government areas will be added following further assessments in consultation with the NSW Government.
The Australian Government Crisis Committee and Australian Government Disaster Recovery Committee are also meeting today to ensure that the Commonwealth can be prepared for any further assistance that may be required by New South Wales.
‘The AGDRP provides a one-off, non-means tested payment of $1,000 for eligible adults and $400 for eligible children, who have been seriously injured, lost their homes or whose homes have been directly damaged, or the immediate family members of a person who has lost their life, as a direct result of the storms and floods.
The DRA provides a short-term income support payment to assist individuals whose income has been affected as a direct result of the storms and floods.
People eligible for DRA can access income assistance for up to 13 weeks, equivalent to the maximum rate of JobSeeker Payment or Youth Allowance.
Equivalent financial assistance will also be available to eligible New Zealand citizens (‘non-protected’ Special Category Visa, subclass 444 holders) affected by the storms and floods.
Services Australia Disaster Assistance phone lines are open from 8am to 8pm local time, seven days a week. For more information on support available, visit servicesaustralia.gov.au/disaster.
The Morrison Government will also lift mutual obligation requirements for job seekers in the Local Government Areas impacted by the NSW floods and storms from Friday 19 March until Tuesday 6 April 2021.
No job seeker in the affected areas will face payment suspension or financial penalties for failing to meet their mutual obligation requirements such as not being able to attend appointments or activities.
More information about mutual obligations requirements can be found at www.dese.gov.au/covid-19/job-seekers
More information on Australian Government disaster assistance is available at www.disasterassist.gov.au