Meat & Livestock Australia’s levy-paying members have until close of business tomorrow afternoon (Thursday, 15 September) to secure their full voting entitlement for this year’s annual general meeting.
While the post option for return of levy notices is now closed, members can still submit their levies notice online in order to secure their full voting entitlement. The levies notice pack was mailed earlier to all MLA members.
MLA’s 2016 AGM and producer forum will be held in the Adelaide Hills on 10 November.
MLA is the marketing, research and development body for Australia’s red meat industry, and includes almost 50,000 beef, sheepmeat and goat meat producing members.
“It is a producer-owned organisation and members should have every opportunity to be involved in how their levies are being invested – in marketing, research and development, and setting the future direction of MLA,” managing director Richard Norton said.
“Voting at MLA’s AGM is one very important way that producers can be directly involved and we want our members to have greater input into the company’s direction than ever before,” Mr Norton said.
At the AGM, members can vote on the appointment of MLA Directors and resolutions put forward by the company or its members.
Members who don’t submit their levies notice will automatically receive just one vote for any MLA ballots. The process to gain full voting entitlement is voluntary, but it requires members to inform MLA of the amount of levies paid in the last financial year, from which their voting entitlement is calculated in accordance with MLA’s constitution.
MLA members who are unable to attend the AGM will be able to vote by proxy or attorney.
- For more information on this year’s AGM process, click here.
- Members with questions about their Levies Notice pack can call 1800 023 100 or email