
CPC named NT exporter of the Year

Beef Central 23/09/2016

Consolidated Pastoral Company has been named the 2016 Northern Territory Exporter of the Year.

NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner said the award recognised outstanding achievement by CPC in international trade.

“CPC is Australia’s largest privately owned cattle producer has more than 30 years’ experience exporting cattle from the NT to Asia and the Middle East.

“Owning and operating 19 cattle stations across Northern Australia, including 375,000 head of cattle across 5.6 hectares of land, CPC’s primary focus is to connect the best Australian beef to the World.”

CPC also won the 2016 agribusiness award.

The Northern Territory’s main export products continue to be oil and gas, mineral ores, live cattle and agricultural products.

Northern Territory winners progress as national finalists in the Australia Export Awards to be held later in the year.

Award Winners:

Exporter of the Year: Consolidated Pastoral Company

Agribusiness: Consolidated Pastoral Company

Creative Industries: Buku Larrnggay Mulka Art Centre

Regional Exporter: Tiwi Plantation Corporation

Small Business: Monsoon Aquatics

Education & Training: Charles Darwin University

Manufacturing Industry: Northern Cement

Resource Supply and Service: Buslink VEVO

Industry Innovation: Centre for Appropriate Technology

Innovation Commendation Award: I Vet

Business Services:

Indigenous Exporter of the Year: Buku Larrnggay Mulka Art Centre

International Business Student of the Year: Faatih Natasha Putri

International Business Student Commendation: Ritwik Dasgupta

International Student: Enggar Daranindra


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