Torrential rains across supply areas contributed to numbers falling by more than half with only 2400 yarded.
Restockers and feedlot demand on the back of wet weather and limited supplies had the greatest influence over the market.
The market benefited from increased producer competition posting dearer rates of 7c/kg for lighter weights. Weaner steers 330-400kg was keenly sought by understocked northern farmers, making from 291-334c/kg. Lighter weights 200-280kg sold from 274-360c to average $785 per head. Likewise light weight heifers attracted strong bidding making from 300-354c a lift of 13c/kg.
The bidding from restockers helped push feedlot rates 7c higher for back ground steers 280-320kg, the bulk making from 312-331c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers gained 4c ranging from 285-309c/kg.
In the trade market limited numbers and improved quality lifted steer rates by 20c/kg. Buyers paid premium prices for European cross steers, with most sales ranging from 304-310c/kg. A few British bred steers made from 268 to 278c/kg.
The heifer portion followed suit gaining 10-15c selling at 248-286c to average 270c/kg.
Most sales of vealers to slaughter sold either side of firm making from 275-310c/kg.
In the export market competition was limited with a single major processor buying the bulk of the offering. Domestic processors purchased sporadically and only bid for the younger steers 500-600kg. Heavy steers were unchanged while bullocks slipped 4c/kg. The better covered steers and bullocks sold from 255-270c/kg.
Cow numbers dropped to just over 400 and despite several processors not operating prices jumped 4-11c/kg, with the middle run enjoying the bigger lift. Heavy cows sold from 224-240c to average 235c/kg. Middle run of cows sold from 215-237c/kg