Yarding 2490 Change -60
Beef prices at Wagga varied in a similar sized yarding of 2490.
Restocker demand for young cattle softened while demand for domestic and export cattle strengthened considerably.
There were a few vealers this week with both domestic processors and feedlots bidding strongly for the well-bred portion.
The pick of the vealers to kill made from 380-418c while veal to feed-on sold at 390-454 to average $1372.
Light weight steers returning to the paddock sold 10-15c cheaper making from 370-518c/kg. The heifer portion sold at 338-440c/kg. Light weight feeder steers 280-330kk were keenly sought by a local feedlot and prices bounced 20c selling from 358-472c/kg. The balance of the feed steers gained 5-10c making from 375-430c/kg. Feed heifers gained traction as the sale progressed to record a top price of 406c/kg for a pen weighing 396kg. Feed heifers generally sold 15c dearer with the 400-500kg weight range averaging $1590. There were no trade heifers while the limited few steers suitable made from 390-410c/kg.
A seasonal shortage of heavy steers and bullocks meant prices bounced 5-20c as buyers scrabbled to acquire stock. Heavy steers sold from 320-379c and bullocks from 356-385c/kg.
The cow market set a frantic pace in a smaller yarding of 665. Prices spiked 5- 8ckg. Heavy cows sold from 290-334c with the bulk of the heavy cows selling above 305c/kg. Middle run of leaner types ranged from 260-310c/kg. Store cows met strong demand from several buyers to record a top price of 334c/kg. The general run of store cows averaged $1470 per head.
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