Yarding 4800
Cattle were dearer at Wagga as the market reacted to the rain in the north and promise of more wet weather to come. The offering of 4,800 was notably lower and quality was plainer over secondary lines.
In early sales there was a lift in the level of demand for secondary yearlings, inspired by major feedlots and restocker competition. Local and northern store orders were operating and 0. The well-bred weaner steers returning to the paddock 200-280kg made from 355c-496c/kg to average $1056. With increasing numbers of secondary heifers being sold to feedlots, restockers found the going tough paying from 280c-432c/kg for plainer store conditioned types.
The feeder steer market continued its impressive run . Well-bred yearling steers were keenly sought by major feedlots pushed rates 19c higher for steers, with weight and frame. Medium weight steers 400-500kg sold at 346-412c/kg.
Feeder heifer competition strengthened 17c/kg with buyers in frequent bidding duels throughout the sale. Heifers 330-400kg consistently made from 320-390c/kg.
Trade cattle prices were few distorting rates. Steers and heifers sold from 290-377c/kg.
Prices for heavy grown steers and bullocks sold to stronger prices trends due to the seasonal shortage to top at 354c while the heavy steers portion to feed on recorded a top price 383c/kg.
The supply of beef cows remained similar, 1800 penned. Most buyers operated in a slightly cheaper market of 4-8c/kg. The better-quality beef cows made from 280- 298c/kg. Leaner grades ranged from 240-286c/kg
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