
Wagga sale 18 Sep 2017: Vealers most affected in cheaper market

Leann Dax 19/09/2017

In a similar sized yarding cattle prices continued to ease with bidding from buyers at much lower levels across export and domestic categories.

Vealers were the most affected with the average price discounted by 19c/kg. European vealers and British bred sold from 256-289c/kg.

There was also a noticeable drop in rates of 11c for both trade steers and heifers. Heifers suitable for the trade made 247c to 267c/kg, while trade steers sold to lack lustre competition with only select butcher orders prepared to push the market. The better finished trade steers sold at 250-296c/kg.

There was a significant price correction for heavy steers 500-600kg and bullocks. Not all processors attended and not all operated in a market that hit several flat spots throughout the day. Heavy steers fell 15c while bullocks dropped 10c/kg Heavy steers averaged 265c and bullocks sold from 245-279c/kg.

Dry weather has slowed store buyer demand with only southern restockers prepared at times to make purchases. Local and northern buyers were more content to sit on the fence and postpone buying until spring rains arrive.

Store cattle back to the paddock produced mixed price trends, with southern buyers upping the ante for well- bred Angus steers. The bulk of the weaner steers sold from 250-330c/kg.

Feeder steers were well supplied and the biggest run of 512 head averaged $1253 or 276.6c/kg. Feeder heifers were in reasonable supply and prices were 3-7c cheaper selling at 248-271c/kg

Cow numbers climbed to just over 700 and quality was quite good over most weights and grades. Steady demand from southern processors kept prices firm at the heavy end. Well finished cows made from 230-250c/kg. Leaner grades sold up to 7c cheaper making from 189-228c/kg.


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