
Wagga sale 15 Feb 2021: Rain strengthens restocker demand

Leann Dax 16/02/2021

Yarding 2500 Change -900

In a smaller yarding at Wagga of 2500 cattle, steer prices stepped up pushed along by restockers and feedlots who have dominated weekly prime cattle sales for numbers in the wake of significant rain across the eastern seaboard.

Restockers showed the most strength when buying steers 330-400kg. The main lines sold from 470c-540c/kg.

Feeder steers prices edged higher with price lifting 2-4c/kg. Medium weight feeder steers topped at 472c while the lighter weights nudged over 500c to finish at 506c/kg.

In the feeder heifer market quality slipped and so did rates with prices 5-10c cheaper. Lighter weight heifers sold at 390-468c while the medium weights made from 386c to 456c/kg.

The trade market lacked the quality of the previous sale with some cattle needing more finish. Trade steers 400-500kg slipped 16c, selling at 400-430c/kg. In the heifer run buyers were very selective not interested in bidding assertively which resulted in a cheaper trend of 15c/kg. The main line of trade heifers made from 386-428c/kg.

Export steers sold to mixed trends with feedlots not prepared to pressure the market like the previous sale. The lack of competition meant heavy steers sold 7c cheaper making from 340c to 418c/kg. Bullocks however met stronger demand gaining 5c to record a top price of 400c/kg.

Despite not all buyers participating in the cow market prices improved 4-5c for the heavy portion. Heavy cows sold from 290-325c/kg. The middle run of leaner types were unchanged making from 268-305c/kg.

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