
Roma store 20 Oct 2015: Cheaper but lower supply adds floor

Martin Bunyard 20/10/2015
Michael and Sam Sullivan, Riverglen, Glenmorgan, sold Charolais steers to 302c/kg for 351kg to return $1061/head at Tuesday’s Roma Store Sale.

Michael and Sam Sullivan, Riverglen, Glenmorgan, sold Charolais steers to 302c/kg for 351kg to return $1061/head at Tuesday’s Roma Store Sale.

NLRS market commentary:

Yarding 7038 Change -2577

Yarding numbers declined 20% and the quality of store cattle remained mixed. Young, light cattle improved in price with slightly increased restocker buyer competition. Top quality steers prices were cheaper at times, but less supply of cattle appeared to put a price floor in the market for plainer steers and light weight yearling heifers. Increased restocker demand on store cows helped lift prices on some pens of 2 score cows during the sale.

Steer calves sold to 298c and averaged 289c, down 1c, while heifers calves sold to 278c and averaged 254c, up 3c/kg. Light weight yearling steers topped at 314c and averaged 291c, while plainer sorts made to 278c and averaged 262c, up 2c/kg. Medium weight yearling steers to feed hit 302c and averaged 294c, while those returning to the paddock earned to 290c and averaged 286c/kg. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed reached 296c and averaged 284c, down 9c/kg.

Light weight yearling heifers sold to 288c and averaged between 247c and 265c/kg. Medium weight yearling heifers topped at 278c and averaged between 220c and 265c/kg. Most forward store cows sold between 200c and 207c, with the occasional pen to 210c/kg. A line of Droughtmaster-cross cows with 5 to 6 month old calves sold $1,220/unit.


Weekly Roma Store press report:

Roma light steers make 314c/kg

A total of 7038 head of cattle were consigned at Roma’s Store Sale.

Weaners under 220kg topped at 314c/kg and averaged 284c/kg, while weaner steers in the 220-280kg range reached 310c/kg and averaged 283c/kg. Steers in the 280-350kg range reached 310c/kg and averaged 277c/kg, and steers in the 350-400kg range reached 302c/kg and averaged 279c/kg. Feeder steers in the 400-550kg range topping at 296c/kg and averaging 273c/kg.

Abbotsford Pastoral Co, Abbotsford, Hughenden, sold Droughtmaster-cross steers to 314c/kg for 202kg to return $634/head.

Dart Pastoral Co, Thirlstone, Roma, sold Charolais-cross steers to 306c for 247kg to return $756.

T & R Wichlacz, Woodbine, Muckadilla, sold Droughtmaster steers to 304c for 318kg to return $970. The Droughtmaster-cross heifers sold to 270c for 295kg to return $798.

Riverglen Pastoral Co, Riverglen, Glenmorgan, sold Charolais steers to 302c for 351kg to return $1061. The Charolais-cross heifers sold to 278c for 374kg to return $1040.

Guthrie Pastoral Group, Baroona, Injune, sold Angus steers to 302c for 324kg to return $979.

N & S Courtice, Ladas Downs, Glenmorgan, sold Angus-cross heifers to 301c for 280kg to return $844.

Kidman & Co, Morney Plains, Windorah, sold Santa steers to 300c for 171kg to return $513. The Santa heifers sold to 270c for 229kg to return $620.

Peel Northampton Downs, Northampton Downs, Blackall, sold Santa steers to 296c for 136kg to return $404.

J & W Joliffe Partnership, Landreath, Amby, sold Santa steers to 294c for 422kg to return $1242.

R & K Donner, Boxvale, Taroom, sold Santa-cross steers to 294c for 228kg to return $671.

N & P Underwood, Avonleigh, Taroom, sold Droughtmaster-cross steers to 292c for 286kg to return $837.

J & R Holzwart, Pebbly Creek, St George, sold Droughtmaster steers to 286c for 420kg to return $1202.

L & M Price, Mt Hope, Wallumbilla, sold Droughtmaster steers to 283c for 466kg to return $1321.

Charles Canavan, Old Duntroon, Wallumbilla, sold Santa steers to 280c for 341kg to return $956.

Heifers in the 350-450kg range reached 278c/kg and averaged 230c/kg. Heifers in the 280-350kg range topped at 288c/kg and averaged 262c/kg. Heifers in the 220-280kg range topped at 278c/kg and averaged 252c/kg, while heifers under 220kg topped at 288c/kg and averaged 253c/kg.

T & J Sorensen, Westerdale, Injune, sold Charolais-cross heifers to 288c for 312kg to return $899.

W & D Saul, Coolibah, Mitchell, sold Santa-cross heifers to 272c for 323kg to return $880.

Rosemount Grazing, Rosemount Station, Barcaldine, sold Charolais heifers to 264c for 287kg to return $758.

K & D Donner, Boxvale, Taroom, sold Santa-cross heifers to 260c for 233kg to return $606.

Cows over 500kg sold to 229c/kg and averaged 212c/kg, while cows 400-500kg topped at reached 220c/kg and averaged 189c/kg. Cows in the 300-400kg sold to 200c/kg and averaged 161c/kg.

A line of Droughtmaster-cross cows with 5 to 6 month old calves sold $1,220/unit.

Bulls up to 400kg reached 300c/kg and averaged 251c/kg.


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