
MLA: Cattle market summary Friday Jan 24, 2014

Beef Central 27/01/2014

Consignments at Roma prime this week declined 38pc, with only limited numbers of grown steers and bullocks, yet plainer conditioned cows met strong demand from Queensland processors. Light weight D4 grown heifers to slaughter sold between 138¢ and 164¢, to average 148¢/kg. Medium D3 beef cow grades averaged 119¢, improving 5¢ week-on-week, while heavy C3 bulls to processors were 5¢ dearer on last week, to average 155¢/kg.

Numbers at Dubbo reduced on the previous week due to some forecast rain, with most grades represented and limited grown steers yarded, as well as stronger restocker interest. Light C2 yearling steers to feed averaged 7¢ higher on 153¢, while the equivalent heifer portion increased 11¢ week-on-week, to average 129¢/kg. Light D3 grown heifers returning to the paddock sold from 107¢ to 124¢, while medium D3 cows to slaughter orders averaged 3¢ higher on 101¢/kg.

Throughput at Bairnsdale declined slightly week-on-week, with most of the usual buyers in attendance and selectively active on purchases, while quality was mixed in the young cattle section. Heavy C3 vealer heifers to processors eased 1¢ on 171¢, and heavy D3 yearling heifers sold to slaughter orders 6¢ dearer, to average 155¢/kg. The D3 bullocks to slaughter averaged 157¢, up 8¢, and heavy D3 beef cows sold 3¢ higher, to average 123¢/kg.

At the close of Thursday’s markets the Eastern Young Cattle Indicator (EYCI) increased 2.75¢, to settle on 218.25¢/kg cwt. Trade steers were up 5¢ on 172¢, while medium steers eased 1¢, to average 146¢/kg. Feeder and heavy steers averaged 1¢ dearer on 157¢ and 160¢, respectively, while medium cows were also up 1¢, to average 98¢/kg.

Numbers declined at Wagga following the lower prices of last week. Light weight 1 score lambs to restockers averaged 340¢, while those 2 scores to slaughter were 39¢ dearer on 390¢/kg cwt. Trade weight 3 score young lambs to slaughter were 49¢ higher on 391¢/kg cwt. Light weight 2 score old lambs to feed lost 5¢ to average 385¢, while trade weight 3 score old lambs to slaughter gained 56¢, to 448¢/kg cwt. Heavy weight 3 score old lambs to processors lifted 55¢ to 472¢, while heavy weight 4 score old lambs settled on 434¢/kg cwt. Medium weight 1 score Merino ewes increased 13¢ to 118¢, while the 2 score portion was 36¢ dearer on 160¢/kg cwt.

At the conclusion of Thursday’s markets the eastern states restocker lamb indicator was 14¢ higher on 388¢/kg cwt. Merino lambs decreased 17¢ to 334¢, while light lambs lifted 11¢ to 374¢/kg cwt. Trade lambs improved 16¢ to 417¢, while heavy lambs gained 17¢ to 440¢/kg cwt. The mutton indicator was 8¢ lower on 168¢/kg cwt.

Source: Meat & Livestock Australia


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