
Gracemere light feeder steers hit 690c/kg 

Beef Central 24/03/2022

The Nutrien Ag Solutions Rockhampton team, Justin Rohde, Julian Laver, Lindsay Lobwein and Sam Moy with a PM and MM Hill, Clarkwood, Clark Creek, European Union accredited steer pen which averaged 329kg, sold for 690c/kg and returned $2277/head.

A quality offering of steers sparked a rise in the feeder market at the Central Queensland Livestock Exchange (CQLX) Gracemere prime and store sale on Wednesday, where a Santa cross line of feeder steers reached 690c/kg.

The 67-head light feeder offering, offered by PM and MM Hill, Clarkwood, Clark Creek, was European Union accredited and averaged 329kg to make $2277/head.

Sam Moy, Nutrien Ag Solutions Rockhampton, said the steers had excellent conformation and condition and were knocked down to a single restocker buyer.

“The sale reflected a lift in the market, but, given the quality of these steers they were very deserving of the price,” Mr Coy said.

He said buyer confidence in the steer market was being driven by favourable seasonal forecasts across Central Queensland.

“We have the possibility of rain within the next few days and forecasts of good winter rainfall on the way. Producers are eager to increase cattle numbers as they have feed in the paddock.”

In total, combined agents yarded 3487 head, with several large drafts being drawn from the Collinsville and Bowen regions.

The steer market reached 870c/kg for a Bazadaise Charbray cross backgrounder offering from K Deem, Dalma, which weighed 175kg and returned $1529/head.

Cathy Hoare, Rockview, Bluff, made $2290/head for a run of 68 light feeder Charbray cross steers, which averaged 295kg and sold for 806c/kg.

Dululu vendors, JA and DK Yeldhan sold 267kg Charbray cross weaner steers for 776c/kg, returning $2073/head.

EM and RF Bella, Nebo, sold Brangus steers for 658c/kg which weighed 315kg and returned $2073/head.

Elsewhere in the offering prices for processor cows peaked at 363c/kg and averaged 350c/kg.

Highlights in the cow market included a 582kg Brahman pen from Rylee Investments, Hampden, which made 351c/kg and returned $2045/head.

The full panel of restocker buyers also propelled demand for heifers, with a Charlevue Cattle Co, Dingo, No.1 Brangus weaner line hitting 652c/kg and weighing 352kg to equal $2297/head.

Rockview Cattle Co, Bluff, also had a good result for its 295kg Brangus weaner heifers which peaked at 620c/kg and made a return of $1834/head.

For cows and calves, the market reached $3225/unit for a K Kime, Garnant, Brangus pen.

Looking ahead, Mr Moy said if the forecasts of rain came to fruition it could impact overall yarding numbers, however, it would further boost buyer confidence at upcoming sales.


Source: RLX






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