Numbers lifted by 200 for a yarding of 3810. Most grades were represented with good numbers of young cattle to suit the feeders backgrounders and restockers along with a good selection of cows.
There were not the numbers of well finished grown steers compared to the previous sale and there were a few consignments of plainer cattle in from the far west with loads coming in from Broken Hill, Bourke, Condobolin along with the normal local cattle. Not all the regular buyers were operating with the absence of a couple of feeder orders.
Young cattle to the trade were firm to 5c cheaper with steer vealers selling to a healthy top of 330c to average 310c/kg. Prime steer yearlings sold from 269c to 290c with the heavy weights only averaging 276c while the prime heifer yearlings sold from 260c to 315c with the heavy weights here averaging 273c/kg.
Lightweight feeders were 3c to 5c cheaper while the heavier weights were firm to 3c dearer in a fluctuating market with buyers trying to bring prices back whilst still trying to secure numbers of suitable cattle. Feeder steers sold from 275c to 328c with the heavy weights over 400kg averaging 316c while the feeder heifers sold from 260c to 307c with the medium weights averaging 287c/kg.
Young cattle to the restockers sold at similar rates with the young steers selling from 290c for very plain quality calves to 400c/kg for good quality Angus calves. Young heifers returning to the paddock sold from 270c to 329c while the older heifers going to the backgrounders sold from 260c to 334c/kg.
Grown steers were around firm with the prime medium and heavy weights selling from 265c to 285c to average 278c/kg. Grown steers to the feeders sold from 268c to 294c/kg for well-bred two tooths. Grown heifers were a 10c cheaper mainly due to the plainer quality of the yarding. The medium and heavy weight grown heifers sold from 252c to 270c while the gown heifers to the feeders sold to 278c/kg.
Plainer conditioned cows were firm while the better finished cows were 3c/kg dearer. 2 score cows sold from 150c to 209c to the processors while the few plainer cows suitable for the restockers sold from 205c to 214c/kg. The better 3 and 4 score cows to the processors sold from 212c to 238c with the prime heavy weights averaging 231c/kg. A single C muscle cow sold for 247c/kg.
Bulls finished a little dearer with the well-muscled bulls in good condition selling from 245c to 279c to average 256c/kg. Young bulls to the restockers sold from 246c to 260c/kg.