
Dubbo sale 7 Sep 2017: Numbers roll in with dry weather

David Monk 08/09/2017

As the dry weather continues numbers continue to roll in with numbers lifting by 630 for a yarding of 5540.

It was a mostly plain quality yarding with a large percentage consisting of unfinished cattle from far western districts and local areas.

Once again there was a large influence of far western cattle with consignments from Enngonia, Bourke, Brewarrina, Broken Hill,White Cliffs, and Cunnamulla, along with the usual local cattle. Any prime cattle in the yarding have been grain assisted with odd pens coming off crops which have mostly cut out. Not all the regular buyers were present in a mostly cheaper market.

NLRS advises that the cow market was dearer in an otherwise cheaper market.  Cows were 3c to 4c dearer for most grades with all of the support coming from southern processors with no interest from restockers. 2 score cows to the processors sold from 120c to 211c while the better 3 and 4 scores sold from 203c to 254c with the prime heavy weights averaging 240c/kg.

Young cattle to the trade were 8c to 15c cheaper with the steer vealers selling from 282c to 306c while the heifer vealers sold from 258c to 305c/kg. Prime steer yearlings sold from 260c to 316c to average 283c while the prime heifer yearlings sold from 250c to 308c with the medium weights averaging 266c/kg.

A major southern feeder operator did not attend however there was the return of a northern feeder. Feeder steers were 6c to 10c cheaper with the quality of the suitable steers only fair while the feeder heifers were up to 15c easier. Feeder steers sold from 250c to 320c with the medium weights weighing between 330kg and 400kg averaging 287c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 230c to 279c with the medium weights here averaging 262c/kg.

Once again it was fortunate for the presence of the southern restocker orders which were responsible for purchasing a large percentage of the yarding. Young steers to the restockers were a little dearer for the lighter weights selling from 242c to 340c/kg. Young heifers to the restockers were cheaper and they ranged in price from 222c to 277c/kg.

Grown steers were 3c to 6c cheaper with the prime medium and heavy weights selling from 255c to 295c with the medium weights averaging 278c/kg. Grown heifers were up to 13c cheaper with a portion of the fall quality related. Grown heifers sold from 245c to 267c with the heavier weights averaging 259c/kg. Grown steers to the feeders sold from 255c to 295c/kg.

Bulls sold at similar rates with the well finished better muscled bulls selling from 230c to 266c to average 255c/kg. Young bulls to the restockers sold from 230c to 276c/kg.



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