Numbers remained very similar for a yarding of 4515.
It was another good quality yarding with a good selection of prime conditioned cattle in all sections with some particularly good lines of heavy weight cows and grown steers
The quality of the young cattle though was not quite to the previous standards despite the great season being experienced in most districts.
There was not the dominance of far western consignments this week though there were still some consignments from Broken Hill, Bourke, Tilpa, Brewarrina, Condobolin and Wanaaring.
There was a greater influence of local cattle along with a large consignment of heifers coming off agistment which were originally from the Hay district.
Most of the regular buyers were operating, though two major feedlot operators did fill their requirements and left the market around two thirds through the sale.
MLA market information advises that steer yearlings to the trade were firm while the vealers and heifer yearlings were 10c to 15c cheaper and more in places. Limited numbers of vealers to the trade sold from 320c to 372c/kg. Prime steer yearlings sold from 280c to 353c with the steers over 400kg averaging 335c/kg. The prime heifer yearlings sold from 270c also to 353c with the heavier weights averaging 307c/kg.
Young feeder steers commenced the market on a dearer trend but finished firm to 3c cheaper as a couple of major operators filled their requirements while the feeder heifers were up to 15c cheaper. Feeder steers sold from 300c to 385c with the prime heavier weights over 400kg averaging 351c/kg. Feeder heifers sold from 278c to 371c with the heavier weights here averaging 326c/kg.
Young steers to the restockers were cheaper which was quality related and they sold from 374c to 426c with the calves weighing between 200kg and 280kg averaging 402/kg. Young heifers to the restockers sold from 366c to 389c/kg with all of the demand coming from locals.
Grown steers were firm to 5c dearer with the prime medium and heavy weights selling from 272c to 325c with the medium weights weighing between 500kg and 600kg averaging 306c/kg. Export weight steers to the feeders sold to 351c/kg. Grown heifers finished 2c to 4c cheaper with the heifers weighing under 540kgs selling from 275c to 310c while those over 540kgs sold to 291c/kg./kg.
Limited numbers of plain conditioned cows were firm 2c cheaper selling from 175c for Friesians to 238c/kg for beef cows in forward condition. The properly finished heavy weight cows were 2c dearer selling from 232c to 259c to average 242c/kg.
Bulls finished around firm with the better muscled well finished heavy weights selling from 220c to 266c to average 249c/kg. Young bulls to the restockers sold from 250c to 367c to average 295c while the live exporters paid from 329c to 366c to average 344c for suitable weight young bulls.
That is the first time we have had the live exporters in the market for some time.