Yarding 4280 Change -550
Once again cows enjoyed the best of the gains in a solid market with more solid support coming from southern processors.
Numbers were back by 550 for a yarding of 4280. It was a pretty good quality yarding with some good runs of well finished trade cattle along with a fair supply to suit the feeders. Cows and weaners were once again well supplied though there were not the numbers of lightweight weaners compared to previous sales. There was a pretty good selection of grown heifers but very few properly finished grown steers. A large percentage of the yarding was sourced from local districts along with consignments from Mudgee Quambone Brewarrina Rowena and Moree. A number of the cattle in the yarding were the last loads for some with one Nyngan district farmer quoting that this was the first time in 120 years that his property had no cattle. A full field of buyers were in attendance and operating along with an additional feeder order.
NLRS advises the young cattle to the trade were 10c dearer with prime steer yearlings selling from 284c to 331c while the prime heifer yearlings sold from 246c to 338c/kg.
Feeder steers were firm to 3c dearer while the feeder heifers finished firm for the light and medium weights and 8c/kg dearer for the heavier weights. The feeder steers sold from 243c to 345c with the lightweights weighing between 280kg and 330kg averaging 290c and the heavier weights weighing between 330kg and 400kg averaging 312c/kg. The heavier weight steers over 400kg averaged 316c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 238c to 299c with the heifers weighing between 280kg and 330kg averaging 251c while the heavier weights averaged 263c/kg. There was very few heifers over 400kg sold to the feeders.
Young steers to the restockers were dearer while the young heifers were around firm. Young steers sold from 217c to 297c with good numbers of young steers weighing between 200kg and 280kg averaging 267c/kg. The young restocker heifers sold from 200c to 287c to average 232c/kg.
There were too few prime conditioned grown steers to quote while the grown steers to the feeders sold from 234c to 316c/kg. The grown heifers were 10c dearer with the better types selling from 242c to 301c/kg.
Plain conditioned cows to the processors were up to 15c dearer while the better finished cows were 8c to 9c/kg dearer. 2 score cows sold from 160c to 219c with the cows weighing between 400kg and 520kg averaging 196c/kg. The better 3 and 4 scores sold from 192c to 277c with the prime heavy weights averaging 250c/kg. Once again the restockers were active on the cows paying from 90c to 218c for suitable cows to fatten. The good numbers of 2 score cows to the restockers weighing between 400kg and 520kg averaged 193c/kg.
Bulls were up to 25c dearer with the well-muscled heavy weights in good condition selling from 240c to 278c/kg.
For full NLRS sale report click here