Yarding 3525 Change 365
The cow quality was the highlight in a slightly larger yarding with numbers lifting by 360 for a total of 3525.
It was a mixed yarding with odd pens of well finished trade cattle along with some good pens of ideal feeders.
A fair percentage of the yarding was made up of young cattle lacking finish along with good numbers of cows and the cow quality was good.
There were some consignments of top quality and very well finished cows coming in from the far western areas and northern areas which did enjoy healthy rain around three months ago.
Along with these well finished cows there were also some good lines of top quality young local cows with their young calves at foot as growers continue to bail out due to the ongoing dry season.
There was limited numbers of grown steers and heifers. The cattle were sourced from Cobar Cunnamulla Enngonia St George Merriwa the Bylong valley along with consignments from local districts. Not all the regular buyers were present with the absence of a couple of southern export processors.
A southern restocker buyer was also absent though he was replaced by the return of a central Victorian restocker.
Young cattle to the trade were 10c to 16c cheaper with the prime steer yearlings selling from 265c to 303c with the prime heavy weights averaging 297c/kg. The prime heifer yearlings sold from 248c to 295c with the heavy weights averaging 261c/kg. Good numbers of bobby calves sold to the processors ranging in price from 180c to 240c/kg.
Feeder steers were 5c to 9c dearer while the feeder heifers were 6c to 10c/kg cheaper. The feeder steers sold from 210c to 305c with the medium and heavy weights averaging 278c and 291c/kg with the top price paid for top quality Angus steers. The feeder heifers sold from 233c to 269c with the lightweights averaging 240c while the medium weights averaged 250c/kg.
Young cattle to the restockers were 15c dearer and more in places with the strong support coming from a central Victorian buyer. The young steers sold from 122c to 293c with the calves weighing less than 200kg averaging 230c while the heavier weights weighing between 200kg and 280kg averaged 262c/kg. The young restocker heifers sold from 142c to 245c with the lightweight calves averaging just 188c while the heavier weights averaged 219c/kg. Good numbers of bobby calves sold to the restockers who paid from 50c to 255c/kg.
Despite the absence of two southern operators grown steers finished firm to 3c dearer with the prime medium and heavy weights selling from 260c to 305c with the medium weights weighing between 500kg and 600kg averaging 287c/kg. Grown steers to the feeders sold from 240c to 303c/kg. Grown heifers were 5c dearer with the better types selling from 260c to 301c with the heavy weights averaging 291c/kg.
Plain conditioned cows were 10c cheaper and more in places with the difference in quality having an effect on the result. The better finished cows were 3c to 5c/kg dearer. 2 score cows to the processors sold from 130c to 203c with the 2 scores weighing between 400kg and 520kg averaging 176c/kg. The better 3 and 4 scores sold from 206c to 259c with the prime heavy weights averaging 243c/kg. Plain conditioned cows to the restockers sold from 96c to 184c while the restockers paid 218c/kg for good quality Angus cows in forward condition.
Bulls were 5c cheaper with the better heavy weights selling from 222c to 255c/kg. Young bulls to the restockers sold from 200c to 220c/kg.
For full NLRS sale report click here