
Dubbo sale 12 Mar 2020: Restockers keep solid flood in market

David Monk 13/03/2020

Yarding 1390 Change 80

Very strong restocker support kept a solid floor in both the young cattle market and the cow market with most of the support coming from local buyers and Coonamble buyers.

The numbers remained similar with a yarding of 1390.It was a good quality yarding with good numbers of prime heifer yearlings sourced from a southern feedlot along with a fair selection of yearling steers. Apart from the feedlot cattle there were also a few lots of well finished grown steers and heifers supplementary fed. There was also a pretty good selection of cows to suit both the processors and restockers. The bulk of the cattle were sourced from local districts along with the large draft of feedlot heifer yearlings in from a southern feedlot. Not all the regular buyers were operating due to the lack of suitable numbers.

MLA advises the young cattle to the trade were 8c dearer with prime steer yearlings selling from 346c to 390c while the prime heifer yearlings sold at similar rates selling from 345c to 394c/kg. The good number of heifer yearlings over 400kg to the trade buyers averaged 381c/kg.

Feeder steers were firm to 6c cheaper with quality a reason for the fluctuation while the feeder heifers were 15c/kg dearer. The feeder steers sold from 372c to 430c with the medium weights weighing between 330kg and 400kg averaging 412c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 346c to 412c with the medium weights averaging 403c while the heavier weights over 400kg averaged 380c/kg.

With the huge flush of feed in all local districts there was very strong competition on the lighter good quality weaner cattle throughout the yarding. The lighter young cattle to the restockers were 30c dearer and more in places while the older heavier weights were firm. The better-quality young weaner steers to the restockers sold from 448c to 542c to average 530c while the older steers to the restockers sold from 355c to 496c/kg. The young heifer weaners to the restockers sold from 372c to 546c with most averaging 472c while the older heifers to the restockers sold from 345c to 425c/kg. There were more bobby calves yarded this week and they sold to the processors selling from 450c to 495c while the young calves to the restockers sold from 358c to 598c/kg.

The better selection of prime grown steers were firm selling from 348c to 354c with the heavy weights weighing between 600kg and 750kg averaging 351c/kg. Grown steers to the feeders sold from 340c to 355c while the restockers pounced on anything lacking finish paying from 338c to 374c/kg.  The grown heifers were up to 15c cheaper with the better classes selling from 297c to 340c/kg. Fair numbers of grown heifers sold to the restockers from 264c to 354c/kg. with most averaging well in excess of $1300/head.

Cows to the processors were 4c to 8c/kg dearer with the 2 scores selling from 240c to 266c/kg. The better 3 and 4 score cows sold from 270c to 330c for C muscle Limousin cows. The prime heavy weight cows averaged 299c/kg. There was strong support from the restockers which were all dearer selling from 248c to 298c/kg.

The better heavy weight bulls were cheaper on quality selling from 270c to 318c/kg. Young bulls to the restockers sold from 200c for dairy crosses to 470c/kg for good quality young Angus bulls.

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