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Yarding 4521 Change 1093
The supply of stock increased by 1,093 head to 4,521 at Dalby.
Buyer attendance was good with all the major export processors in attendance and operating.
The usual panel of feed and trade buyers were active, along with local and interstate restockers, and once again this week around 1,100 head was purchased by interstate buyers. L
ight weight yearling steers returning to the paddock were well supplied and continued to receive very strong support. Medium and heavy weight yearling steers to feed improved in price.
A large number of light weight yearling heifers were penned, and buyers were able to absorb the large supply plus lift average prices a further 16c to 28c/kg.
Yearling heifers to feed also sold to a dearer trend.
Heavy grown steers and bullocks to export processors averaged 13c to 20c/kg better.
Most classes of cows improved in price to regain some of the previous weeks losses.
Local and interstate restockers pushed prices on plain condition cows up by a further 13c/kg. Good heavy weight cows to export processors averaged 10c/kg dearer. Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock made to a top of 560.2c, with a large sample averaging from 470c to 518c/kg. Yearling steers to feed for the domestic market averaged from 422c to 442c with occasional sales to 474.2c/kg. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed made to 420c a good sample averaging 406c/kg. Light weight yearling heifers returning to the paddock or background made to 510c to average 470c/kg. Yearling heifers to feed averaged from 408c to 427c with the occasional sale to 456c/kg. Heavy weight yearling heifers to feed averaged in the mid-360c/kg range, and processor lines made to 387c/kg. Heavy grown steers to export processors made to 385.2c to average 376c, and the bullock portion made to 388.2c to average 375c/kg. Medium weight plain condition cows returning to the paddock averaged 294c, with some PTIC lines reaching 356.2c/kg. Good heavy weight cows to export processors made to 313.2c with a large sample averaging 303c/kg. Heavy bulls made to 350.2c/kg.
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GDL report
An increased yarding at Dalby this week with all major processors in attendance. Southern and local restockers pushing store cows up another 13c. Lightweight yearling heifers were 28c dearer. Feeder steers sold to 20c dearer. Yearling restocker market received strong support from southern restockers with up to 1100 head heading south.
Prime Quotes
Heifers up to 400kg – Lowest 360c/kg, highest 387c/kg, Av 372c/kg
Heifers over 400kg – Lowest 300c/kg, highest 347c/kg, Av 313c/kg
Cows up to 400kg – Lowest 260c/kg, highest 272c/kg, Av 266c/kg
Cows 400kg to 500kg – Lowest 272c/kg, highest 356c/kg, Av 294c/kg
Cows over 500kg – Lowest 290c/kg, highest 313c/kg, Av 300c/kg
Steers & bullocks – Lowest 340c/kg, highest 350c/kg, Av 344c/kg
Steers & bullocks – Lowest 360c/kg, highest 385c/kg, Av 376c/kg
Store & Feeder Quotes
Steers up to 200kg – Lowest 456c/kg, highest 560c/kg, Av 517c/kg
Steers 200kg to 300kg – Lowest 438c/kg, highest 538c/kg, Av 469c/kg
Steers 300kg to 400kg – Lowest 396c/kg, highest 458c/kg, Av 422c/kg
Feeder steers over 400kg – Lowest 360c/kg, highest 385c/kg, Av 376c/kg
Heifers up to 200kg – Lowest 438c/kg, highest 510c/kg, Av 470c/kg
Heifers 200kg to 300kg – Lowest 400c/kg, highest 456c/kg, Av 427c/kg
Heifers 300kg to 400kg – Lowest 375c/kg, highest 422c/kg, Av 395c/kg
Feeder heifers over 400kg – Lowest 360c/kg, highest 387c/kg, Av 372c/kg
Feeder/Boat Bulls – Lowest 390c/kg, highest 420c/kg, Av 413c/kg
Kill Bulls – Lowest 301c/kg, highest 350c/kg, Av 332c/kg
Santa Bulls sold by RA & HS Sullivan of Moonie to processors 340.0c/kg, 880kg, $2992.
Santa X Bulls sold by Compagnoni Grazing Co of Mitchell to feedlotters 380.2c/kg, 371kg, $1413.
Charolais Cows sold by RA & HS Sullivan of Moonie to processors 305.2c/kg, 591kg, $1805.
Simmental X Cows (PTIC to Simmental Bulls) sold by Lemrex Pty Ltd of Kingaroy to restockers 356.2c/kg, 479kg, $1706.
Simmental X Cows (Empty) sold by Lemrex Pty Ltd of Kingaroy to restockers 300.2c/kg, 491kg, $1476.
Charolais Steers sold by WAW Pegler of Quilpie to feedlotters 420.2c/kg, 404kg, $1698.
Droughtmaster X Steers sold by Compagnoni Grazing Co of Mitchell to feedlotters 412.2c/kg, 376kg, $1551.
Santa X Steers sold by Bauhinia Pastoral Co of Glenmorgan to feedlotters 406.2c/kg, 420kg, $1709.
Santa Steers sold by Ray Kelly Family Trust of Taroom to processors 388.2c/kg, 625kg, $2429.
Santa X Heifers sold by Bauhinia Pastoral Co of Glenmorgan to restockers 378.2c/kg, 350kg, $1323.
Santa Heifers sold by Ray Kelly Family Trust of Taroom to butchers 370.0c/kg, 519kg, $1921.
Santa X Heifers (MT, GF 70 days) sold by Howson Family Trust of Miles to processors 387.2c/kg, 453kg, $1754.
Droughtmaster Heifers (MT) sold by SSW Pastoral of Teelba to processors 359.2c/kg, 465kg, $1672.
Santa Ylg Steers sold by CJ & GL Constance of Bell to restockers 470.2c/kg, 278kg, $1309.
Angus Ylg Heifers sold by Estate of JR Scriven to feedlotters 422.2c/kg, 291kg, $1230.
Angus X Ylg Heifers sold by WAW Pegler of Quilpie to feedlotters 419.2c/kg, 326kg, $1369.
Sources: NLRS, Grant Daniel Long, Eastern Rural