
Dalby sale 5 Oct 2016: Cows ease, balance firm

James Nason 06/10/2016

More rain in the surrounding areas over the long weekend reduced Dalby’s yarding to 2070 head.

Good runs of cows were 10c cheaper, while all other descriptions were fully firm.

Brangus steers from Taroom, in store condition, 379kg, sold to 382.2c/kg to average $1448, and 362kg heifers sold to restockers for 373.2c/kg to average $1352.

Droughtmaster/Charolais cross empty heifers from Bell, in prime condition for slaughter, weighing 390kg, sold to 350c to average $1366. Droughtmaster/Charolais cross empty heifers from Bell at 395kg, selling to feedlots, sold to or $1479/head.

Charolais steers from Kumbia, 372kg, sold to 380c/kg to average $1414, and heifers, 352kg, sold to 362c to return $1297.

Angus steers from Kumbia in store condition, 194kg, sold to 446.2c to average $865 and heifers, 256kg, sold to 396.2c to average $1094.

Santa Cows from Blackall, 596kg, sold to 271.2c to average $1617 and Santa bulls, 937kg, sold to 286.2c to return $2683.

Shorthorn Cows from Meandarra, 667kg, sold to 273.2c to average $1823.

Santa Cows from Talwood, 544kg, sold to 270.2c to average $1469.

Brahman Cows from Kingaroy, in store condition 375kg sold to 248.2c to average $930.

Limousin heifers also from the Kingaroy district 371kg sold to 398.2c to average $1081.

Source: Joe Lehman, Grant Daniel Long, Dalby


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