Click above to watch weekly video market report from Ray White Eastern Rural’s Peter Bird
Yarding 4607 Change 528
The overall quality of the grown cattle was fair to good, however there was a wide variation in the standard of the young cattle.
Buyer representation was generally good with all the usual buyers in attendance, plus the return of some interstate operators.
Good falls of rain in parts of the supply area lifted prices across most classes.
Steer and heifer calves improved the most, while light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock averaged 31c/kg better.
Yearling steers to feed for the domestic market improved by 10c to 35c/kg. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed averaged 21c/kg dearer.
Light weight yearling heifers lifted in price by 24c to 40c/kg. Medium and heavy weight yearling heifers to feed averaged 20c to 30c/kg better.
All classes of cows improved in price with restocker lines gaining the most to average 26c to 34c better, while export processor lines improved by 8c to 12c/kg.
Male calves made to 364.2c, and heifer calves made to 304c to average 289c/kg. Light weight yearling steers returning to the paddock made to 332.2c with a fair number averaging 295c/kg. Yearling steers to feed the domestic market made to 327.2c, with most from 310c to 317c/kg. Heavy weight yearling steers to feed made to 325c to average 320c/kg.
Light weight yearling heifers were well supplied and made to 302c, with the largest numbers averaging 274c/kg. Medium weight yearling heifers to feed generally sold in the 290c/kg range with some to 308.2c/kg.
Local trade classes averaged 300c and made to 312c/kg.
Heavy weight yearling heifers to the trade made to the occasional 316c to average 299c/kg. Medium weight poor condition cows returned to the paddock at 198c, and some better lines averaged 212c, and made to 218c/kg. Good heavy cows made to 267.2c, with a large number averaging 257c/kg.
Heavy bulls made to 292c/kg.
Full report from NLRS click here
Grant Daniel Long report
A total of 4607 was yarded in Dalby today (GDL 2166). With everyone receiving good rain, prices increased from 20 to 50 cents right through from weaner to export cattle.
Prime Quotes
Heifers up to 400kg – Lowest 110.0c/kg, highest 316.2c/kg, Av 291.4c/kg
Heifers over 400kg – Lowest 120.0c/kg, highest 322.0c/kg, Av 296.6c/kg
Cows up to 400kg – Lowest 54.0c/kg, highest 190.0c/kg, Av 135.6c/kg
Cows 400kg to 500kg – Lowest 72.0c/kg, highest 237.6c/kg, Av 223.8c/kg
Cows over 500kg – Lowest 207.0c/kg, highest 267.2c/kg, Av 257.5c/kg
Steers & bullocks – Lowest 254.0c/kg, highest 298.0c/kg, Av 273.2c/kg
Steers & bullocks – Lowest 273.0c/kg, highest 320.2c/kg, Av 293.2c/kg
Store & Feeder Quotes
Steers 200kg to 280kg – Lowest 244.0c/kg, highest 332.2c/kg, Av 295.4c/kg
Steers 280kg to 400kg – Lowest 194.0c/kg, highest 332.2c/kg, Av 310.0c/kg
Feeder steers 400kg+ – Lowest 278.6c/kg, highest 325.2c/kg, Av 320.0c/kg
Heifers 200kg to 320kg – Lowest 110.0c/kg, highest 308.0c/kg, Av 231.5c/kg
Heifers 320kg to 370kg – Lowest 264.2c/kg, highest 308.2c/kg, Av 291.4c/kg
Feeder heifers over 370kg – Lowest 270.2c/kg, highest 316.2c/kg, Av 300.2c/kg
Feeder/Boat Bulls – Lowest – c/kg, highest – c/kg, Av – c/kg
Kill Bulls – Lowest – c/kg, highest – c/kg, Av – c/kg
Hereford Bulls sold by WC Lowein of Bell to processors 280.2c/kg, 951kg, $2666.
Shorthorn Cows sold by G Morgan & Co of Glenmorgan to processors 257.2c/kg, 838kg, $2155.
Angus & Angus Cows sold by Sutton Beef of Glenmorgan to processors 257.2c/kg, 648kg, $1668.
Brangus Steers sold by PJ & CC Trebbin of Durong to processors 321.2c/kg, 683kg, $2195.
Simbrah Heifers sold by GC & JA Peck of Blackall to processors 302.2c/kg, 533kg, $1612.
Limousin Heifers sold by AC Graham of Kingaroy to processors 322.2c/kg, 573kg, $1847.
Angus & Angus Feeder Yearling Steers sold by Ostwald Rural Trust of NSW to feedlotters 320.2c/kg, 461kg, $1476.
Santa Feeder Yearling Steers sold by Revilo Pastoral Co of Mitchell to feedlotters 320.2c/kg, 400kg $1280.
Santa Feeder Yearling Heifers sold by RA & HS Sullivan of Moonie to restockers 306.2c/kg, 331kg, $1016.
Santa X Yearling Steers sold by RA & HS Sullivan of Moonie to backgrounders 327.2c/kg, 312kg, $1023.
Angus & Angus Yearling Heifers sold by Burenda Holdings of Bell to backgrounders 304.2c/kg, 144kg, $439.
Angus & Angus Yearling Mickey Bulls sold by Burenda Holdings of Bell to backgrounders 364.2c/kg, 157kg, $574.
Sources: NLRS, Grant Daniel Long, Ray White Eastern Rural