Yarding 2590 Change 1440
Cows and feeder cattle lost most of the previous weeks’ gains in a much larger yarding as the season continues to have a large influence in the market.
Following another week of dry windy weather numbers increased by 1440 for a yarding of 2590. It was a pretty good quality yarding with good numbers of cows and splitter calves in fact cows were responsible for 30% of the total yarding. There were good numbers of grown heifers mostly pregnancy tested empty along with odd pens of reasonable grown steers. There was also a good supply of young feeder cattle. Not all the regular buyers were present with the absence of some trade buyers and feeder buyers though all the regular export processors were present and operating.
NLRS advises that the few cattle to the trade were firm to a little easier with prime steer yearlings selling from 280c to 299c/kg. There were no prime vealers purchased by the processors.
The heavier feeder steers were a little dearer while the lighter steers and feeder heifers were 10c to 15c/kg cheaper. Feeder steers sold from 248c to 317c with the large number of medium weights averaging 300c while the heavier weights over 400kg averaged 311c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 200c to 282c with the medium weights averaging 271c/kg.
Young cattle to the restockers were firm for the better types with the heavier young splitter steers selling from 223c to 331c while the young heifers sold from 196c to 255c/kg. Lightweight young calves less than 100kg though were cheaper selling from 100c to 222c/kg.
Grown steers were 4c dearer with the prime medium and heavy weights selling from 258c to 298c with the medium weights averaging 295c/kg. Grown steers to the feeders sold from 280c to 305c/kg. Grown heifers were 4c cheaper with the better types selling from 251c to 275c with the heavier weights over 540kg averaging 261c/kg. Grown heifers to the feeders sold from 255c to 278c/kg.
Plainer conditioned cows to the processors were 8c to 11c cheaper while the properly finished heavy weight cows were 19c/kg cheaper. 2 score cows sold from 140c to 213c to average 193c while the better 3 and 4 scores sold from 205c to 238c with the prime heavy weights averaging 232c/kg. There were no cows purchased by the restockers.
A better line up of bulls was 6c dearer with the better heavy weight bulls selling from 212c to 262c/kg. Restockers paid from 182c to 210c/kg for young bulls to grow out.
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