Yarding 1055 Change -405
Following the previous weeks rain and the forecast for more all sections rallied selling at dearer rates in the smaller but much better quality yarding.
Numbers fell by 400 for a total yarding of 1055 head. It was a pretty good quality yarding with some good pens of well finished cows and grown heifers along with some good trade cattle. Ideal feeder cattle were also well supplied and following the rain there were not the numbers of plain lightweight cattle compared to previous sales though there was still a few pens of bobby calves. Most of the regular buyers were in attendance and operating with particularly solid competition for the feeder cattle and cows. There were also extra restocker orders in place that could not operate due to the lack of suitable calves.
NLRS advises young cattle to the trade firm to 5c dearer with steer vealers selling from 270c to 283c while the prime yearlings sold from 250c also to 283c/kg.
Lightweight feeder steers were 2c cheaper mainly due to quality while the heavier feeder steers and feeder heifers were 9c to 11c dearer. Feeder steers sold from 265c to 310c with the medium and heavy weight steers averaging just over 300c/kg. The feeder heifers sold from 225c to 272c with the larger number of medium weights averaging 256c/kg.
The few young steers to the restockers sold to 268c while the young heifers to the restockers sold to 242c/kg. Young Angus bobby calves to the restockers sold up to 280c/kg.
A couple of small lots of grown steers were firm selling to 284c while the good numbers of grown heifers were 10c dearer with the prime heavier weights selling from 245c to 265c/kg. The feeders were keen to operate on suitable lots of grown heifers paying from 222c to 269c/kg.
Most grades of cows to the processors were 7c to 13c dearer.1 and 2 score cows sold from 50c to 160c while the better 3 and 4 scores sold from 150c to 225c with the prime heavy weights averaging 215c/kg. A couple of pens of fair quality cows to the restockers sold from 170c to 177c/kg.
Bulls were dearer mainly due to quality with the better types selling from 215c to 268c to average 232c/kg.
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