Live Export

Updated livestock export standards take effect 

Beef Central 02/11/2020

The Australian Standards for the Export of Livestock (ASEL) version 3.0 came into effect yesterday, 1 November 2020 and apply to all consignments of livestock that leave Australia on or after that date.

ASEL sets the minimum animal health and welfare standards exporters must meet for the export of livestock by sea and air.

ASEL 3.0 represents a substantial improvement on the standards in ASEL 2.3. Key improvements include:

  • Reduced notifiable mortality rates for livestock exported by sea
  • Increases to the time required for some livestock to be prepared at the registered premises prior to export
  • Defined competent stock handler to livestock ratios on board vessels
  • Increased requirements for reporting on animal welfare from registered premises and on board vessels

The ASEL 3.0 follows a review of version 2.3 by an independent Technical Advisory Committee completed in 2019 and will be regularly reviewed to ensure the standards remain fit for purpose and reflect the latest science.

The last time the ASEL was updated was in 2011.

The department has developed and published guidelines, templates and reporting mechanisms to support the implementation and regulation of the ASEL 3.0.

These are available on the department’s website by clicking here.

The department has partnered with industry research body LiveCorp to develop and deliver the data collection and management system LIVEXCollect for providing the ASEL 3.0 approved forms for regulatory reports.

This reduces the regulatory burden for exporters, delivers automated data management solutions and data to inform future regulatory decisions.

Source: DAWE



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